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Roller Coaster XTREME

Coaster XTREME

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We are currently seeking a new team for the website and forum. Please PM me or email rollercoasterxtreme@hotmail.co.uk.The website will be closing later this week whilst we design a NEW website! A host/server has been chosen along with the software. We will be using Wordpress. We are looking for people who can write news articles on the site and people who can help maintain the sitewww.rollercoasterxtreme.comMOD EDIT: Our greatest apologies - here now though! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Been a while since the last update on here. We are making progress with the new site, but there have been delays. We have however created a blank page site with information on the relaunch here. One of our admins, Michael Denton is in the process of creating shirts for the team members! If you see him at the park tomorrow sporting a Roller Coaster XTREME t-shirt, feel free to ask any questions on our progress and if you would like to join the site team.Here are some pictures of the latest designsFRONTPosted ImageBACK (a work in progress)Posted ImageWe have Storm Surge/Annual Pass Day coverage on the way this evening as well!We are still expanding our team! We're looking for moderators for our new forum, news writers/researchers and people who can contribute to the site. PM me or email rollercoasterxtreme@hotmail.co.uk.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Hi all, haven't posted in here for a while/In order for Roller Coaster XTREME to truly stand out we will be focusing on theme park related media from now on which will include documentaries (short durations from five-ten minutes to begin with), podcasts, reviews, POV's, photography, general theme park videos, magazines and much more! We will stick by the projects we have been planning for a while which include the theme park education area and hopefully (I say this very often lol) that coaster comparison tool we've been wanting for so long, but we will be focusing mainly on the media side of things. In order for all this to happen we are recruiting for more team members at the moment since our team is not large enough. We have a recruitment video here

and an application form here http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/0wSOub06d2The team has been split into two 'departments' (Media and Generic), the video explains it full (some of the transitions between each bit of text is too fast so please pause the video if you need more time to read various sections). If you join one department you will still be able to have a more generic role (all team members will be required to moderate on the forums).We would also like to know what you think of the change from a general theme park enthusiast site to a website completely dedicated to theme park related media. The first documentaries will be released in 2012 and we are hoping to get our standard (on line) magazines off the ground next year also... a premium magazine should also be released that year. The website will be undergoing maintenance to ensure we get it finished along with the media content so periods of shut-downs will be occurring as a result. To sum up what has been done already, we have created two new youtube channels (a POV channel and the official RCX channel). These have not been launched officially just yet but the link to the POV channel is below (it currently only has two rubbish off-ride videos but hopefully when I buy a better camera we should begin to film on-ride videos) http://www.youtube.com/user/RCXPOV. The park guides are currently being worked on, in 2012 each guide will receive its own documentary (or possibly several Posted Image ). We are testing out some of our media stuff at the moment, more information on that shall be released some point in the near future Posted ImageYou will begin to see the media content on-line in 2012, hopefully around April.The team would love to here your feedback about our plans along with what we have done already and what will need to be improved. Any criticism will be taken on board and brought up in the next team discussion. If you have any questions feel free to ask.In case you have forgotten the link, you can find us at www.rollercoasterxtreme.com
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