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Europa Park 2013

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Reign of Kong - Universal Studios Orlando - SPOILERS

KONG…     This has been an attraction I’ve been following for a very long time, I just knew that if the ride was going to be as good as the facade, then Universal have done it again. Boy oh boy have they done it again. They have well and truly hit it out of the park with this ride. From the moment you enter the queueline, to the moment you step out of the mammoth ride vehicles at exit, you are fully immersed in the world of Kong.   The story stars with myself and Amarghh



Europa Park 2013 #2

Some more photos of my visit to Europa Park! MMMM DUFF BEER <3 Just chilling in the Colosseum Wodan and I We made some friends... This drop was incredible Wait a minute.... am I at Universal?!?!? What a way to end an absolutely fantastic day



Europa Park 2013

So, you may or may not know, but I went to Europa Park recently. If you get a chance to go here then by all means DO IT, such an amazing park. The whole surrounding town area is just so nice also, really feels welcoming! Here's just a few pictures from my trip there: Milka factory SELFIE (in random German woman's car edition) Part of our room, we paid 150 Euros each for 2 nights here, with our own bathroom/kitchen/balcony, just a 10 minute walk to the park, absolutely amazing value! On



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