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Fright Nights Trip Report 27/10/14



Thorpe Park Trip Report 27/10/13

After our short 25min drive from our hotel (following our 4.5 hour drive the day before) we arrived at Thorpe at around 10:15. We then proceeded to the MAP office to pick up our shiny new passes before heading in to the park just after 10:45, I checked the queue times using the app and saw that the majority of the rides were still on 5-10 min queue with the exception of saw and swarm which were both already up to an hour.

We headed toward X as we hadn’t been here since it got turned around and wanted to try it out. The ride seemed a lot tamer this way round in my opinion but I’m not sure if this is because we went to universal in the summer and spent a lot of time on The Mummy.

After this we headed over to nemesis and it’s 5 min queue, as we got into the building we decided to queue for the front as there was not that much of a queue. However at this point the ride decided to break down on us and was then only running on one train. After about 15/20 mins of waiting it was our turn to ride and this was one of the best experiences I had that day, it is definitely better at the front and seeing the track appear before you without another car in front was an unusual experience, and one I haven’t experienced very often.

Next we decided to buy or directors cut fast-tracks for later on in the evening an while we were there purchased some fastracks for the swarm backwards as this was something else we had not experienced yet. We then headed straight over to swarm and “braved it backwards” it was definitely odd going backwards and the only downside was that the theming and near misses were all missed

due to you not seeing them till you’ve gone through them.

We then headed over to Saw and it hour queue, but as we got inside we noticed that the queue was a lot shorter than it normally is when it’s a hour so we thought we’d be out quicker than expected, However after about 15 mins of queuing the ride broke down, we decided to stick it out an after around 20 mins the ride was up and running again, however after another 10 mins the cars

disappeared again and we were left waiting another 10 mins before it was up and running again and we were finally lead into the building to “play a game”.

By this point it was lunch time and we headed over to calypso for some chicken and watched a man Eat a ton of ribs (was that there all season or just fright nights).

We still had an hour before our fastracks kicked in so we headed to Colossus as it had a half hour Queue, once we got the fastrack entrance the woman asked how long we’d be queuing, we worked it out to be 15/20 mins and she was surprised by this fact (even asked us if we meant this queue :o ) we then rode the 10 loops and headed over to asylum to watch the chainsaw guy in action.

Then it was our turn to venture into Asylum, this maze seemed a lot longer than the last time I went in 2 years ago. Also the strobe lighting made it look like the walls were moving at numerous points during the maze, we lost half our group at one point due to a door being left open and the front of our group escaping outside, we then saw the group that went in before us being called back in and were then right behind us for the rest of maze making our group very large. I must say that the theming of the maze has had no lasting effect on me and I can tell that the actors in the maze were not real mental patients and that is not how they act.

Our next maze was my bloody valentine, upon getting to the entrance we were told that we couldn’t enter as they were “dealing with an issue” so we waited around for about 10 minutes before witnessing a group of irish travellers being escorted out of these and threating to set off the fire alarms in the park! We then ventured into the maze and got told to be careful about driving home due to the storm before being told the story of Harry Warden. I’ve seen the remake of this film so kind of knew what to expect but other people in my group were a bit freaked by the first scene. We keep checking all the dark corners and actors made use of these very well. This was the only maze which made me scream (due to actors jumping out of darkness and right into my face). We escaped harry and carried on with our day.

Our last maze was cabin in the woods (we didn’t bother with saw) this maze was my favourite of the new ones and I hope it’s back next year so I can experience it again. We had kiko this week but I don’t remember seeing her during the maze, the rooms I remember are a forest, wallpaper and deer head (with a door to the control room but didn’t get to go through) a room with a guy that was proclaiming his love for the girl in front of me, a tunnel, the room from the facebook videos, some long corridor that turned on itself with about 4 actors in it and the last room with the plaques.

After surviving the mazes we headed for some rides in the dark we did swarm, Colossus and nemesis, the last two were not as fun due to the rain starting and hitting me in the face. We were going to queue for blair witch but we had a look when we came off nemesis and it looked awfull :l it was also raining pretty heavily by then so we called it a day at 9:30 and went back to the hotel.

Ride list

X x1

Swarm X1 backwards X1 forwards &dark

Saw X1

Nemesis X1 Day X1 Night

Colossus X1 Day X1 Night

Mazes X1 (except saw)

This is my first trip report so sorry if I’ve done anything wrong :L it also seems to be a bit long :L sorry again.



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