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Imindetonator's Trip To Alton Towers Scarefest



So Scarefest is back! And it's better than ever!

Day 1:

So I started the day by a small drive of 3 HOURS!

We arrived about 3ish, we got our maze tickets and then we were off.

We got on Blivvy quickly due to the long que of 5 minutes..

After that we went to sonic-flopball which had along que due to it raining and only 3 per car.

Then we went over to our first maze.. TOTT!

TOTT is back and better than ever, the maze felt more instant. Instead of waiting 5 mins for something to happen, we got full on jump scares at the start. The maze was swarming with actors and the scares were impressive. The maze then jumps to the ending which feels weird without the stairs.

The ending is something spectacular, same as other years it is insane

Great maze: 9/10

Then we walked over to Molly.

Molly Crowe is a unique maze.

It start with a actor telling you a bit of story and why the hell we are wearing hoods..

The whole maze has loads of sounds, from crying baby's to fire.

I liked the touching element of it. It really worked, I found it creepy on my neck, legs, got stroked.

The path was a little sharp, the turns weave in out for ages until you reach the ending..

The ending was amazing, a actress jumps out and kinda lifts up like she's levitating.

It's amazing ending to a already great maze

Unique maze 8/10

Sub Species The End Games:

Sub species wow..

Sub Species is a must this Halloween.

It starts off with you going into a control room. With a alien thing explains the rules to us ( the contestants).

You then walk into a room with three doors, actors push and shove you into one of the rooms, you're split up!

Then you go through various rooms with loads of varied scares.

Some include: a dark room with a actor with a Torch,darkness,tunnels, ect.

The ending was great. Maybe a little cliche, but it did the job..


Then we did night rides off Air,Nemesis,Th13teen.

Nox Infernus: this really gave Dark Forest a atmosphere.

The actors were energetic and good fun!

Dark Apocalypse was the better of the two.

Actors where everywhere throughout the zone.

There was even a chainsaw, great SZ.

Day 2:

We went over to Sky Ride to see it broke down!

So we walked all around the long way.

We did Nemesis and went to Air to see it broke down.

We skipped it. We looked to see if sky ride was open and...nope.

We went through the gardens forgetting how hilly it is!

After that walk we were tired and sat down to see SKYRIDE WORKING! After we did Th13teen and the oh-so-bad Rita.

We got a quick ride of Oblivion before our maze tickets.

Molly Crowe: better than last run, more touching.

TOTT: great run through.

Sub Species: amazing, spend 80% of it in a group of 2!

So that concludes my trip report!


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