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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles

    Sugar in Tea

    I've tried coffee and I never want to again. Simple.
  2. Pickles

    Sugar in Tea

    He ain't the only one is he James? I also tend to drink hot chocolate more than tea now.
  3. Pickles


    Haha I missed my bus so I couldn't get to school.Why am I so happy I missed a whole day with no lessons
  4. Pickles

    Sugar in Tea

    Tea with one sugar is for me. I can't drink it without sugar.
  5. I'm gonna eat healthy now.*Runs and grabs chocolate*
  6. How old will you be when you get a slow metabolism?
  7. Pickles


    Urban Dictionary is different to an R.E teacher!
  8. It doesn't piss me off as I have a fast one tooooooo
  9. I found a hobby, Eating
  10. Pickles


    Would you believe I'm a pacifist?Sorry for double post!
  11. Pickles


    I find going to my local park good.Well I also get kicked out, (never throw a blow up chair at your Dad)
  12. I don't have hobbys, just habits.
  13. YES!-Does happy dance-No more nightmares wooooooooooooooo
  14. Pickles


    ^Story of my life.
  15. How do you actually spell responsable?Anywayz pipings good...... If you into that kinda thing.Replace them with mini waterfalls.Just down with berries.
  16. They had better go.Like I said on MSN you will be responsable James.-More evil laughter-
  17. Bye Bye Berries.-Does very happy dance-They freaked me out with the whole roundness and smiling faces.Down with the berries.They were purple!Nightmares...
  18. I don't remember what I put but I would agree with Joe, mainly because I feel awful after riding Tidal Wave and then going on another ride I just get very cold.
  19. Urmmmmmm Rocky express like a couple of minutes no idea how long or what the problem was.x:/ twice because of cleaning up puke first time like an hour second about 45 minutes.I've been lucky with rides breaking down I'm never on them.
  20. Pickles


    For once in my life I didn't either.
  21. Yes but at the moment its in a nice location.
  22. Pickles

    Rocky Express

    Awwwwww I love this ride I don't know why but I do.Just so you know I was talking to James on msn and I was like the Rocky Express doesn't have a topic so he said make one.
  23. Well firstly went to get my ap with my mates, I got mine fine then the machine wouldn't accept her card so that was 45mins down the drain. Got into the park went to x:/ no way out waited for an hour becasue someone was sick. Got on and was almost sick. Headed for vortex yada yada yada.Went on rides yada yada yada.Saw Chris on vortex (was sitting next to him).Saw Joe, James and Beth.Went to x:/ no way out had to wait again because someone had been sick.Had some lunch/dinner.Got bored.Called James while on x:/ no way out.Went on Colossus and had the last ride and then went on 3 times in a row.Pretty good day. Except for the rain.Edit: I added the yada yada yada bits otherwise if would be quite long, this is kinda a summary of my day.
  24. I maybe getting one if my Daddy* gets me the money.*Please note he was watching me as I wrote it so I had to be nice and I cba to change it.
  25. I'm straight but my best mates is bi.
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