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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    Fair enough but the thing that counts is that you know your not. Its not what other people think =P
  2. Pickles


    If this is gonna turn into a whoring match then I'm gonna cry. 'I can do this' 'But I can do it better' tbh I do care its just showing off.Please note I don't have a job and I can't really do anything so take this post as you must but it is not jealousy.
  3. Pickles

    Member Addys

    No one is from my school here (I hope) I shall get a new picture as I now have black hair!
  4. Pickles


    Alot basically means anything thats dark.Yes people if you don't know I am afraid of the dark.
  5. Pickles


    If it scares me then obviously they have done a good job, does take alot to scare me I.e going vertical.
  6. Pickles


    Just for the record I got scared sh!tless on this ride. I did not like the dummy things and I hate the dark!
  7. Pickles

    Sugar in Tea

    Rather have Tea than Coffee.
  8. Pickles

    Sugar in Tea

    Yeah special people can get some Anyway isn't caffine mean't to help you stay awake?Confuzzled!
  9. Pickles


    Why is Stealth front row called pole position? Kinky.......To AHW and Seb: Calm down ladies.
  10. Pickles

    Bad Injuries!

    I haven't been beaten up but apparently what the chavs did to me and my mates was 'Assult'. This is the reason I hate chavs. On a different note I have broken my little finger and badly sprained my ankle and thats about it.
  11. Pickles

    Your Thorpe Park

    Simply pointing out that it shall never happen as long as I'm alive.
  12. Pickles

    Your Thorpe Park

    Yes but why waste money finishing something that is a necessity.
  13. Pickles

    Your Thorpe Park

    I think hes simply pointing it out that its not finished. No need to get you knickers in a twist. But if you think about it as you exit the ride you can definatly see that its not finished. Did you miss that Seb? Bit obvious
  14. Pickles


    Dunno I'm doing task 2 which is creating a marketing spreadsheet for some make believe people called Bernie and Hannah.
  15. Pickles


    Anyone up for helping me with my ICT? Nah I have Maryam to help me.
  16. Pickles

    Member Addys

    Holly BeckettEmail: x_time_addict_x@hotmail.co.ukMyspaz: Myspaz!Horrible Picture urgh!I'm not scary promise!
  17. Pickles


    Okay then I'm in year 10 and I'm not very bright. What ya gonna do about it?
  18. I had a hamster until it died. I don't know why. But my sisters one its teeth grew through its bottom lip so he couldn't eat.
  19. Well I do have a random poll up my sleeve Cats are the cutest things ever. And yes my fish in fact flys, almost out the fish bowl!And thats Miss Beckett to you mister!
  20. Okay I own a sexy fish. What pets do you have?
  21. Wow 35 mins you never know it could have been that long just while you were on it. On the 16th it was 20 mins most the time but I think it was longer at one point of the day. Its does happen you know.
  22. Pickles


    Oh you are.
  23. Yes well the restraint are one of the reasons why I draw the line at it.
  24. Pickles


    Less scary, I won't have to kill anyones hand anymore.
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