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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. but surely some idiot who thinks he's really cool could come along, see whether anyone was looking, and possibly climb onto the mesh underneath the final turn and actually stand on the track?yeah, he would be thrown out of the park, but that's if the train didn't hit him first

  2. So, you actually "only got on" detonator, Colossus, vortex, X and Tidal wave.. 5 rides for 5hrs or so.. pretty decent for thorpe.

    we only had four hours at Thorpe (bus journey totaling 6 hours) but that was cuz I had fastracks for Tidal Wave and X:\No Way Out cuz the teachers bought them for me :)
  3. Considering Thursdays are statistically the parks busiest day of the week.. nope. School trips tend to be on monday, thurs or fri by the looks of things.

    yh my sister went to Thorpe on Wednesday last year for a school trip and it was literally walk-on for every ride, I had to go on a thursday and I only got on Detonator, Colossus, and Vortex but I got free fastracks from my teachers so I managed to get on X:\No Way Out and Tidal Wave aswell ;)
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