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Status Updates posted by themeparkaddict

  1. Haha, with opening lines like that, I know we'll get on well :) Right, so, I'm Richard (call me Rich, or indeed whatever you like). I have a very unhealthy addiction to theme parks, Apole, America and Lady Gaga. How aboutttt you? :)

  2. Haha, well with opening lines like that, I know we're gonna get on just fine! I'm Richard, but you can call me Richard because that's my name :) OH OKAY CALL ME RICH THEN. I have an unhealthy addiction to theme parks, Apple, America and Lady Gaga. How about youuuu? Toodle oo

  3. No idea who you are but.. HELLO! :)

  4. LOLLAGE A LOT at what's below. *grins*

  5. has a reputation of 0. Oh joy!

  6. To my favourite Sheepina, now with 30% off. How are YOU??? Haven't spoken in this long *holds arms apart, hoping you'll mistake it for a hug*. Much jumpage xxx

  7. You, you like an EXPERIENCE ride more than us amazingly better peeps in THRILLS?! *shakes head* Also, I think I may have swine flu... Hoping you're well, I swear I've now seen you a record 3 times in the same week.

  8. Why thank you Mr J. Its probably a bad thing I feel uber guilty when the queue's over an hour. But guests are SO stupid sometimes! I mean, YOU came on it...! Well done for coming yesterday, today was absolutely CRAZY. 8000+ and bigger numbers due this weekend, which I have off!

  9. Oooooooh. I'm intrugued as to why you ask. I'm not working though. Nooooooooooo, I forbid you to come. Pick a day, any day...

  10. I can think of absolutely nothing to say. Really. But I feel like I owe you some hugs back, so here they are *HUUUUGGGGS*. Pah, I'm such a weirdo. xP

  11. JAMMMES! Quote of the day "You're rather tall really, aren't you?!". Front row of Stealth eh, pulling out all the stops on your TP visits I see!

  12. Sheeeepenis. *Shocking* Just what is your post-watershed name implying? It's crazy, thats what. You'd best be having the time of your LIFEEEE Mr S. *Hugs*. I've decided Thorpe is ****s and giggles. And I LOVE it. Have you *just* opened for the 2009 season?

  13. Senior moment, please stand clear. I ACTUALLY can't remember if I pressed 'save' or my last comment just vanished...'cos I flicked windows. *Sobs heartily*

  14. BORRED? Never! Ka-slap. Woah, calmez-vous let me just direct your complaint to guest services. Is it wrong that I imagine that as some kind of garage, giving the guests a service? *Runs back to box*

  15. Yay! Your profile is unscrewed! Be extra vigilant on Stealth, Samurai and X on Thursday (and of course of any unattended articles, which may be removed and destroyed with big scary licky flames). There's a pants chance by then I'll also be trained on Zodicrap. What is it with me and the sick producing rides? Ooh, I’ll nab that for a facebook status methinks.

  16. Did you end up venturing to the island of thrills today? If no, when next? If yes, when next? I'm persistent. xP

  17. OMG. Hanky panky is in the dictionary... don't ask, but it really is.

  18. Humphhh backatcha. I hope you're not cheating on your favourite ride host by going today [insert profanity here]. I think I may have screwed your profile up by posting that kermit link, everything is just ka-ding-donged. I'm now fully trained on STEALTH (autographs later, k?) but also on X. Best Wed/Thurs EVER on Stealth. Then I had X on Fri with 3 loads of splattering vomit. Ergh.

  19. Bonjour mon gateaux, j'ai un cookie. I have bad nose, *news* I'm not working tomorrow shock-gasp-die BUT Thorpe's had full ride availability for a few days now so FANDANGO SHIZZLE WOOPINGTON. Have amazing fun tomorrow, don't be sick on X, you'd be surprised how many people are... chuckle chuckle

  20. We can be sad together. But not sad sad, obviously. You gave me an extra thrill. Extra reply when I thought things had finished! Woop! Nighty night xx

  21. Thankies, you too, and remember your Sheepieness at all times. I've actually got well excited with the whole New Comment (The Mania Hub Forums)'s e-mails from you, haha, saddo. Anymoo, as the farmer said to the cow, love you Sheeeeepie (now with extra e's). Enjoy your day! (Sorry, I say that to the guests...) Sleep tight xxx

  22. Haha, well we did bananas, sex and wacking. Of course I needed to know. Not that the feelings mutual... dum de dum. Train journeys = ~~ times. 2 hours for you, 80 minutes for me. ****, I work journey times out like queue times. TP is twisting my brain, and I like it. Major smiley huggableness, and erm, mazes drunk 2009 I think so....

  23. I'm guessing the two best ways to do the mazes are drunk, or sedated. Although both could make you scareder (which isn't actually a word). Dons dark glasses *hello, I'm Sheepie* innocent bystander: wait a minute... Are you off to Chessington tomorrow? I also have to get up, but not till sex, *cough* six. Woooooo. I love our jobs. I regard you Sheepie as a legend. Just fantasticalness.

  24. ..bravery. It cut one word off. ONE WORD!

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