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Everything posted by H-BSauce

  1. H-BSauce


    I hadn't actually thought about that... Bloody good idea!! :)But I guess if they sold less of them, for less money, they would make quite a bit less...
  2. H-BSauce


    I personally love fasttrack. I don't go to the park too often, at the most 2-3 times a year, but if you save up for ultimate fasttrack every now and then its sooo much better than it normally is.I do feel guilty pissing people off by fasttracking, but the fact you literally can ride tons of rides completely overthrows the guilt, which is replaced by satisfaction Whos with me in supporting fasttrack??Of course normally when I go to thorpe park I can't afford ultimate fasttrack, which means I have to queue for a bit, but on inset days the queues arent too bad, and anyway, If everyone could afford fasttrack every time they went, it wouldn't be fast anymore. They need to keep prices up, to keep fasttrack queus down.H-B
  3. H-BSauce


    I always thought the fasttrack for inferno wasn't very good, you join the queue only about half way through the queue isnt it?Whats the exit entrance your on about?H-B
  4. WHats your favorite maze?

    I havnt been to fright nights before but I'm really lookin forward to it :D

  5. Hey I'm new here... Just gettin to know people :P

    Hav you got msn?


  6. Heyy... I just joined the site Just saying hi to some people :P

    You been on the curse?

  7. I've not been before, Going next friday!!

    I'm well exited.

    Gonna be mentally busy though... I think I might buy a few fasttracks

  8. Hey thankss, I only just joined a couple of days ago...

    You been to fright nights yet??


  9. Thanks :P You been to fright nights this year yet??

  10. Umm... Let me think :)Nemesis - 15 minutes to clean up puke...Slammer, just got stuck up high for about half an hour, not upside down though! (Is it me or does slammer break down at least once a day?)Samurai - 10 mins because it just wouldnt go down! Kept on doing its little swinging thing where it tries to get in position, but failed, so they just set it off again!Detonator - Stuck at the top for about 20 minutes, They have a little announcer so the people can speak to you! That was a waste of what could have been another ride...Quantum - Several times the lap bars have got stuck down, does this happen quite often?? Luckily the announcer by the mic was very enthusiastic and lead us through a couple of songs!There must be a couple more but they escape me!H-B
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