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Everything posted by SilPho

  1. Erm, no, this will never happen and has never happened in any theme park... This also sort of happened when Thorpe replaced Zodiac with Cyclone. Was probably the exact some model, but they did replace it.
  2. SilPho

    Ride Seatbelts

    I think there are a few other points which they can be used for: In the case of restraints which automatically pop open fully (such as Inferno), they can be used to hold the restraints in a locked position for repeated testing without having to re-close every restraint. They act as a visual guide to a guest with large chest dimensions, if you can't close the seatbelt it gives more proof that they are too big to fit into the seat. This tends to be what I say to my friends when they inquire about them. I think these are valid points but feel free to point out if they're not.
  3. Slammer and Tidal Wave were still down for all of today (September 16th).Stealth, Detonator, Saw: Alive were all having pretty major issues today and spent most of the day not running. Rush was out of sync but running fairly well on both swings.This is the first time this year that I've seen reliability go so badly, hopefully this is only a bad day (or week) and not a return to previous form.
  4. Ah well. Will just have to pay for it like everyone else Though I'm now looking forward to humming along to the Colossos music!
  5. Back when Tussauds were operating the annual pass, I'm fairly sure Heide Park was included on the list of attractions you got in to for free, but now that Merlin are in charge is that still the case?I can't find any mention of Heide Park on the UK annual pass site and it seems that a German Merlin Pass exists so it doesn't seem likely but I figured I'd check.Thanks in advance.
  6. The new site makes me sad. Semantic's sites were always really good and this one just annoys me. The characters on there look really silly and the noises, especially the rollover effect on the social panel, are a web-design faux pas.I'll get off my high horse now...
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