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Everything posted by rollerross11

  1. hey yer I have its rofl material!

  2. I'm going tomorrow and I'm hoping short queues! I'm going from 4pm-8pm but it shouldnt be busy becuase its a monday and a school night.
  3. It was amazing guys so thanks for making an amazing first trip.
  4. I'm technology but its graphics technology so its similar. So I didnt state otherwise.
  5. Firstly there just 3ds flat rides and secondly heres my next project. Wrath!
  6. I may attend!! Its gonna be my first meetup and I would love to go. I should be able to go.
  7. Oh and also have a look at these DIY list of halloween props some awsome ideas on here.http://www.halloweenmonsterlist.info/
  8. ive blacked out for almost 2 mins on golaith at SFMM. It wasnt fun.
  9. Ok will update! thanx for the replies.
  10. No photos but website up!http://www.wix.com/DevilsCreek/CarnEvil
  11. My dream parks Halloween event.Mazes.> THE CARNEVIL- Yes same as my home haunt but on a larger and professonaly better. It would be in a large circus tent.> FEAR! - This scare attraction is based on an a old house! Similar to hellgate but longer and darker.> THE MAIZE- an outside maize maze thats similar to feild of 1000 screams and feild of screams.Scare zones> The Zone - A contaminated area based around a lab contamination.> Scarytale - This zone is based on kiddie storybook gone bad. > The Hollow - This whole zone is based in the woods and you never know whats round the corner.
  12. I'm justing starting to make props this weekend so some photos will be up.
  13. lol that would be so funny!
  14. Well it starts in my conservatory then through my gazebo and out through the garage. I did one last year at my friends house called The Investigation.Heres a clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75vGXlpWi-k from last year
  15. So halloween 09 is shortly coming up, Has anyone got anything planned or costume ideas or even previous halloween ideas or costumes.My Home Haunt 09This halloween I'm planning to create a home haunt maze based around an abandoned circus. Welcome to the CARNEVIL!!! The haunt attraction starts with a mad ringleader (ME) who invits you to come and see the circus. As you enter you are put into group of 5 or less and dared to enter the circus. At the begining of the attraction you come across several clowns and severeal intresting rooms. A Coconut shy with heads as the cocnuts, A room full of ballons, a hall of illusions and an caged area. ENTER THE CIRCUS HAlloween 2009!!!
  16. Sadly I have to admit Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus and Kaley Cuoco (8 simple rules and big bang theory).
  17. I'm working on a huge park like six flags magic mountain. pictures will be up soon.
  18. Will do!!! All I'm gonna say is the Vegas Rides were sweet!!
  19. Las vegas New York New york Tonight :)Speed the ride Las Vegas Tonight ;SStratosphere Big Shot Tonight :)Castles and Coasters Phoniex Arizonia SundaySix Flags MAgic Mountian LA Tuesday!!! I'm loving this trip!!!!
  20. I went here on Monday and I highly recomend this attraction. Just under London Bridge this attraction is 2 things in 1. A interactive museum and A Fright maze, I personly enjoyed both parts of the attarction. Have you been or do you want to go.
  21. I think thorpe have done a greate job with the ride and were just being fusy because we are being overrated.I think thorpe have done better than what some parks can do in the usa.There not acctualy amazingly themed.
  22. It terrifyied my friend but there scared of the Saw movies.
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