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Everything posted by Pitbull

  1. Pitbull


    This ride could be a fantastic coaster if done right, I really hope TP dont drop the ball with this. Ash
  2. Yours truly :)RollerCoaster will be re-opened and called Nickelodeon Streak, and Zipper Dipper will be know as Blue Flyer, the Log Chute, Turnpike and Friut Shoot rides are staying and being rethemed and renamed, all others are going.The toilets under Space Invader are moving over to the disused South Cableway station, the Space Invader building will be remaining (the ride has already been removed and is being re-built at its new home) and may house a 4D cinema. King Cotten will sadly be lost in all this I just hope they keep the Roast Chicken diner on the menu, its nice to visit a place in a theme park and eat a proper meal with chips, veg and gravy!Ash
  3. I'm lead to believe following Stealth's recent downtime Intamin have been called in to have a look at it, so its hardly suprising it was down.I would expect an enthusiast to prefer that rather than it to be allowed to break down every 10-15mins (as it was at the weekend) At least TP are doing all they can to sort it for the busy easter period. A few days closed in the meantime is no big deal.I dont see how someone smoking in a Q line can be the parks fault either.Ash
  4. Could be a good thing. If Merlin invest PBB could see some healthy local competion. It may force then to act a bit faster!Ash
  5. I went Fri-Sun with some friends from a PBB form. We had a great weekend, the park was busy but we still managed to get a good ride count. I'm not sure how you guys like TR's to be posted, I wont post loads of pics incase they aren't allowed (please remove the ones I do post if they aren't meant to be here!)We stayed in the T5 travel lodge, so it was only a short drive away from the park. Friday was quite, which meant a good ride count, Sat looked busy from outside, but wasn't as bad as we expected once inside, and Sunday was somwhere inbetween.Ride count/comments: Saw Alive: For a free maze-type attraction, it wasn’t bad. Certainly not up to the standards of other mazes but being a free attraction it was never going to be. Saw x5: Well themed queue, however I do think sounds/quotes from he films would be better than just random calls for officers to attend the warehouse. The indoor section is very well themed, especially if you’re the second car to be dispatched as you get a more in-depth pre-ride show from Jigsaw. The ride outside, whilst short is entertaining and has some nice pops of airtime. Stealth x10+: The best ride on the park for me, the launch is amazing, as is the top hat and the drop. The reliability leaves a lot to be desired, and it something I hope improves. Colossus x4: The trains on this ride could be described as a joke if there was anything funny about them. They are just awful, uncomfortable and almost impossible to get in or out of without inflicting self harm. The ride itself has some good sections, the airtime hill after the loop and the double corkscrew, but the final inversions do nothing for me. Nemesis Inferno x8: Fantastic themed queue line and station, indeed the entire ride (except the evacuation platform look alike that makes up the rides exit route. It affords views of a service road, a maintance shed, and a SBNO ride) the ride seemed to get better as the weekend went on. Tidal Wave x4: Fantastic shoot-the-chutes ride does exactly what it says on the tin and does it very well. The area is very well themed, including the soundtracks, and the near by shops/eateries. Rush x2: Good ride, short cycle. Samurai: Best flat ride on the park, I wish PBB would ditch Bling and get one of these! Vortex: Fairly average ride. Slammer: Never in all my days have I encountered such a horrific piece of fairground machinery. The restraints are nasty, the ride is evil, and it should be avoided at all costs. Detonator x5: Good, but too short. The airtime is good, just wish it was twice the size. X:\ No way out x3: Many slate this ride for one reason or another, personally I enjoy it. It’s a novel idea to theme a ride as if its lost control and to hear the radio communication trying to make contact with it is good. Loggers Leap: x7 Thorpe’s answer to the PBB Log Flume, and a damn good answer at that. The double drop adds something else to the ride! Reminded me what fun I've been missing since PBB rather foolishly closed the Log Flume.Rumba Rapids x2: Good fun, nothing special. Worth a go with no wait. Flying Fish: Powered coaster for the kids, worth a spin anyway. Quantum x2: Looks tame, but is actually a good, fun ride. More forceful than I thought! Depth Charge x2: A fun water ride for all ages, doesn’t get you overly wet but worth a go with a small waiting timeAs I said above, if pics are not meant to be here, please remove these and accept my apologies.Thanks for reading.Ash
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