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Status Updates posted by Aliice.

  1. Of course! I went to Oxford today, I felt like I was "dissing" Kent. I was like SOZ BBZ

  2. Ohmygod sorry if I did :S but OHAI THERE ;D I will re friend you :')

  3. Okay good, I was worried you'd hate me and then I'd cry srsly. Ahaha yeah, it's pretty cool. But I think Sevenoaks wins. Just sayin'? <3

  4. Okay shush he's still good :) Oh :( you can revise instead (Y) :L

  5. Omg I haven't seen/been on the high speed trains yet! D: I need them in my life. I went on my first Great Western train today :0 <3

  6. Omg wow :D I went last May, it was so good (: I didn't know it was a Merlin park beforehand, so I got a bit confused, especially with the 4D show thing! Did you see a new ride, in a pyramid or something? And hello I'm Alice :)

  7. Omgg same, like you'll be in the Colossus queue and you are paranoid that the people in front of you are talking about you :L Wow Alton Towers - I'd love to go there :D

  8. Ooh Happy Birthday for tomo :) how old you gonna be? Ah exciting, I've been on it once but it was a while ago, but I remember it was good :D hope you have a lovely day :)

  9. Ooh I'm intrigued :] Poor tree! ;) How was pizzaa?

  10. Ouch that sounds bad :( I did nothing in year 9 :L we don't do the module thing at my school, just take one massive exam at the end of year 11. Aaaakk D:


  12. Sorry babe you fail ;) I'm going to Waterloo!

  13. SOZ I fell asleep. Ooh have you?

  14. The graphs don't open on my computer D:

  15. Thorpe Park tomorrow ;D

  16. Woops just wrote this on Daniels wall instead :L Ahaa wow I'm talking to you on MSN as well (: yeah that would be pretty good I'd probably design a really massive coaster and then it would break :S But still would be a-mazing ;) yes I said that..

  17. Wow I just realised we have exactly the same number of profile views :D

  18. Wow that's a cool smiley thing >:) It kinda works :) Ooh yay that's good, tell me how the queue's are etc I'm going for my first time (shock) next week :D Come to thorpe on saturday :)

  19. Wow they sound really good :) yeah I guess I'm quite confident, hopefully :) So what happens normally, do you meet at the park?

  20. Wowow I like the sound of them. Ahah blatantly ;) I went to London Paddington yesterday, it's also a hot station in a kinda old way ;) <3

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