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Everything posted by Jord

  1. Lols it's rather funny tbh :') It must be really bad to have that as a last name ;)

  2. Lols it's rather funny tbh :') It must be really bad to have that as a last name ;)

  3. Jord


    Any event regarding anything to do with Tech is permanently on my iCal. Nothing I love more than my gadgets :')
  4. Just wait till you get to the park, park services are going to be more helpful than that woman :S Because the way she's putting it confuses even me, according to the Disablities Guide Thorpe Park has, there's no mention of such a thing. http://thorpepark.com/downloads/plan-your-visit/TP-Disability-Guide.pdfMight be worth a read
  5. I don't think there is a problem to this, because obviously the park cannot discriminate and the corridors within the mazes are big enough for wheelchairs but obviously there might be "some" restrictions, did you try phoning Thorpe Park, or was that the way you tried contacting them?
  6. I have to do it, because they try so hard to scare me, so I have to disappoint them
  7. Thanks haha. Most people think I go on a bit and want to kill me
  8. Just woken up ;) Because I'm not lazy? Shower time <3 Why I updated this with this I dunno :S

  9. Just woken up ;) Because I'm not lazy? Shower time <3 Why I updated this with this I dunno :S

  10. Humans only look at the first and last letters in a word, and everytime I see your usename instead of reading "horry" I read "horny" :l Really awkward ;)

  11. Humans only look at the first and last letters in a word, and everytime I see your usename instead of reading "horry" I read "horny" :l Really awkward ;)

  12. Jord


    Same, I love it when Apple has an event, proper get excited me :')
  13. Jord


    It was the perfect thing they done, to relocate an existing ride, because it's not as hard to put it in, as it would be to create a brand new ride. So they should be finished with Storm Surge very shortly. When Thorpe Park says "X will be getting a retheme" it's rather debatable what they mean by "retheme' because Thorpe Park are never ones for theming, like the original theme for X : No Way Out was a computer virus, although when you're on the ride, you get no sense of that because most of the effects are broken, as with most other Thorpe Park rides none of the effects work, so I don't really think they're going to waste their time on a massiver overhaul when they're more likely to do something that will just let X : No Way Out live a bit longer, and also stop people throwing up, which I find really difficult to understand, out of all the rides people are throwing up on, X: No Way Out is a serious one? Although I almost trod in sick when exiting the ride, I still don't know how people can be sick on that ride, it's not exactly "Extreme".
  14. Alton Towers had Kinect in August time, it's just Microsoft trying to show Kinect off to as many people as possible, so they've obviously moved it around the UK between Major Attractions, and obviously it was popular at Alton Towers, so they went back to Merlin and probably asked them to put it in another attraction, and Merlin chose Chessington. Which is good, because Chessington really does have little going on nowadays, so to have something like this will keep some people entertained when they've been on everything at least once.
  15. Jord


    All Mac Computers have iLife '09 installed, however I wouldn't buy a Mac till you see what Apple's releasing on 20th October
  16. Jord


    Throughout the closed season, Thorpe Park has to time themselves well. As remember this year it's not all about retheming one ride. They've got to build a new attraction, put all the other rides into their annual repair and spruce up, and obviously have to do a lot more around the park, so it's not like they can just delegate themselves to doing a lot of theming on X : No Way Out, yes they might have a few months to do it, but along with everything else going on, they might not be able to do it all in time, and X : No Way Out is far from their priority for the 2011 season, although I believe that some of the effects that they do will be good, I don't think they have enough time to install all the effects that have been discussed, programme them and get it open in time for the first day of opening. X : No Way Out is a very tight area to work with as it is, so it must not be easy to do any additions. So the complex additions might no be what Thorpe will be looking into with X : No Way Out, and it'll probably be some "Quick Fix" effects,
  17. A little place called the Isle of Sheppey :')
  18. I don't like introducing myself, because it's the only thing I'm bad at. I make myself sound like an idiot within a couple of sentences haha. Anywho..Name is Jordan, if that's not obvious already? I've grown up with Theme Parks, ever since I was like a baby I went to Disney World once/twice/three times a year, which was always fun. Been to the other parks in Florida as well, I used to not be a rollercoaster fan in terms of going on them, but always loved how they worked Yeah I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to Rollercoasters, my first major coaster was Rita, because Th13teen had broken down, but I went on Th13teen afterwards. I actually went on X : No Way Out in 2009, but I wouldn't class that as a "major coaster" My first major rollercoaster which went upside down (that I can remember, was actually AIR at Alton Towers this year, and well as soon as it lifted me up and I fell into that seat, I pee'd myself, I literally was just there with my cousin wanting to get off the ride, but afterwards the rush was amazing. I've been to Fright Night, last year and the mazes are amazing, literally they don't scare me, I can just go through them and say "Hi" to the actors. I'm weird like that :S My favourite rides are water rides, because I love getting wet. My favourite thing ever is to be wet tehehe Okay that went a bit off track... Anyway. I'm 16, live in Kent and seriously if anyone wants to argue about Windows/Mac, I'm game! Love my Mac more than my own mother <3 Actually I wouldn't go that far, but abuse Apple, you might aswell abuse me. Same applies for Hilary Duff Love her, like biggest fan ever. Okay I'm really weird, and I hate introductions because they always make me nervous because it's people's first impression of me, and I always go on a bit when I'm nervous, and people usually want to kill me. Also my MSN which is on my profile, I don't actually live in France, my UK email address got hacked, and Microsoft wouldn't give me it back, so I decided to go .fr xox Okay I'm only going to get "Welcome" as a reply so my introduction didn't need to be this long Kfnxbai <3 See you round on the Forum
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