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John Silver

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About John Silver

  • Birthday 05/05/1979

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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    None of your Goddamn business
  • Interests
    I don't give personal information online. Don't like it? TOUGH.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I nearly pooped myself last time I went on this. The ride is very attractive to look at and had gorgeous curves. The lift hill is really freaky cuz of how fast it is.
  2. This ride is lovely. It will never be able to compete with my old friend Loggers, but Dragon Falls still offers a delightful and emotional ride.
  3. Ah, my first Roller Coaster. I was very angry when my head kept banging into the harness, but I still enjoyed this ride because of how smooth and thrilling it is. I have been on it over 2 times and I never tire of it. I am crying right now just thinking about my first time riding this beauty.
  4. My mouth waters when I think about this ride. The long slender tracks are truly arousing and the sensation that you feel when the launch begins is unforgettable. I have never ridden a coaster this intense outside of America before. This is my favorite ride at Thorpe Park. Having said that, I do feel it's time for it to be removed.
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