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Everything posted by swooddow

  1. I was thinking you know how scare tour said ' where will u need to get on your bikes to escape the monsters' I prosumed they mean thorpe park and then I thought wich movie has mosters in it , cabin in the woods , so maybe there will be some kind of bike element in cabin in the woods at FN's this year perhaps ??.... any thoughts ?
  2. watch the films and u wont miss out on anything, there is still like a month and a bit till the events
  3. exitment ! is soo good !!! love it how everyone is bouncing off the walls !! and I take back ever doubting you TPBrandon, well done mate !
  4. hmm so we could be seeing somthing different other then conga line scare mazes ?
  5. yer same FN's 04 I agree man. Makes the most sense , also considering that the asylum building already kind of looks like a cabin
  6. haha , yer I suppose its just that the cabin in the woods uses a cabin so they can create that space inside, but BWP is only set in the woods on iside parts apart from the small shack thing at the end
  7. if BWP uses the woods , then maybe that will be an paid one ?
  8. maybe one or two could be paid , but to be honest if this is the extent they are going , having amazing theme and envirements , dont thing paying is such a bad thing, as you are paying for quolity
  9. I'm just glad thorpe hav stepped up the mark to another level amazing , aaa I hope I get good news next week as would be amazing to be a scare actor this year !!
  11. I like it how scare tour say ' all on board for the blair witch project' could be hinting at a train type thing, as chosen the words all on board to describe it ???
  12. if they get the themeing and emersive enrirements right, in the mazes by like creating full on sets , which thay have the budget for now, this could be the best fright nights ever !, just hope they dont slack in effert. Judging by what is rumoured already , this year is gunna be so GOOD !! can not actually wait !!
  13. fingers crossed for a reveal of some sort today or at least more hints ?
  14. true scaretour are very trust worthy !
  15. but then what would happen with all the unused buildings? what would be the mazes then if all the ip's were in one maze ?
  16. have we had a quote/ teaser about chainsaw massacure from thorpe yet ?
  17. shame , really want to fully know everything . by the 23rd the start of sun scream I reckon we should be almost there in details , but they probs leave the mazes till last
  18. very well thought out ! .. we shall have to wait and see , do u recokon we will hear any more from thorpe tonight ?
  19. To be honest iv never seen cabin in the woods , I probs should
  20. that would be With Ip's it could swing 2 ways either they are not detailed enough , not up to the standards of HHN's , or they have had a budget increase and the mazes are amazing . Who knows but I know what you mean. its very uneven ground but if they put the effert into themeing and emersive envirements , it will be amazing !
  21. Do you think they will start introducing scare zones like HHN's Just thought if thorpe are going down the 'all new ' IP route that they might introduce different themed scare zones, like a chemical brake out near tidal wave, or the swarm attacks on the swarm island ect. ?
  22. yer I agree in terms of actors and how they scare people, but I reckon some of the mazes and the layout of the mazes will be what could create the most fear, similour to how experement 10 you were on your own ect. I think if they do somthing original like that again , thats a complete curveball that no one was expecting. That will really turn up the hype !
  23. Fingers crossed , I hear at some point next week if I have been successful or not. I could be scaring you guys hahaha ! , I know right ! who knows , the auditon seemed relitivly normal for a halloween audition
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