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Everything posted by swooddow

  1. yer they are having a rebrand, they said at the audition I went to , we are looking for all new style of actors for an all new fright nights ! very exited
  2. I reckon thorpe park will have put the effert in with the mazes as why possibly shut the rides earlyer then the mazes , they are focusing attention on the mazes this year and want people to visit them more , hense the later closing time of the mazes for fright night this year , with the rides roughly shutting at 9pm and mazes open till 10
  3. Do you guys reckon we will hear any more news tonight ?
  4. I agree the coungering was soo terrifying, I love horror films as well and 80% of the films I own are horrors, but I just thought the coungering was sooo scary ! it was unreal ! give it a watch and you wont be able to sleep......... secand clap ......
  5. your next could be a possibility as it is made by lionsgate , as are the other rumored mazes
  6. TPC are making up a load of rubbish to get views and likes on their page , I dont believe anything until thorpe has released it ! I was at the auditions on monday for an actor and they said nothing about the mazes there, so honestly we will just have to wait and see
  7. yer pritty sure , altho not 100% , that did not make sense what I just said ! haha , but yer I think it is
  8. yer the 'somthing else was down there' is a quote from cabin in the woods, there is 100% gunna be a link to that movie in fright nights I recon
  9. they will most likly reveal more details this week
  10. check this out found this online : https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=firefox-a&hs=iV4&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=texas+chainsaw+massacure+logo&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50768961,d.ZG4,pv.xjs.s.en_US.E_1kRF_UP4s.O&biw=1262&bih=618&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=twESUpP7K4eQhQevlIDoCQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=bblIkIB59yVTdM%3A%3BkKutowRleQ1BYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimagecache2.allposters.com%252Fimages%252FTEE_FEA%252FTK101.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.squidoo.com%252Ftexas-chainsaw-massacre%3B400%3B423 , Similour to the new FN's logo, maybe inspiration was taken from it ? may be over thinking it but still an idea..
  11. year agreed, I find watching or even knowing an incling of what is going to happen in a maze before you go in spoils one of the main reasons of why we find mazes scary , fear of the unknown !
  12. true ! the video teasers were always good, it would be interesting if they did small teasers to slowly reveal the re-branding of fright night this year ! and the all new movie mazes !
  13. exited for fright nights more then ever this year !!!
  14. Thorpe park will most be using IP's and certainly lion gates, does this mean though that they have extended their contract with the company? please correct me if I am wrong, but I swear the their contract with Lions gate was almost ending? Looking at the link R1C4Y posted of the Lionsgate films, there are so many exiting options possible. Also thorpe park would be the olny halloween event in the uk to use Horror movie, based mazes ! All makes perfect sense !
  15. who knows whats coming to fright night, but its safe to say they will be bringing in IP's of horror movies thats a certain.
  16. why dont you post that idea and plan of the slender maze to thorpe in the questions to thorpe park section of the fourm. I'm sure it will be to late for this years fright night, but you never know in the upcoming years they could at least use it or take inspiration from it coz its a great idea and somthing that would set FN's apart from other halloween events around the country !
  17. I hope they change up the event as, some of the mazes to date , are getting ( same,old same,old ) if u know what I mean. I recon they should have a good mix of Ip's and orginal ideas. The question is , what are they planning ? anyone know any inside knowlege?
  18. http://www.halloweenhorrornights.com/hollywood/2013/teaser/ Just wanted to make the comparison, If you look through the images on the page using the arrows u will see one of the quotes is 'from the sickest minds in horror' Now look at thorpe's events page under fright night: http://www.thorpepark.com/plan-your-visit/events.aspx#frightnights 'From the best minds in horror'. Very similour don't you think ?
  19. 'IP's ' What does that mean ?
  20. I recon its the direction they are going in, because if scaretour's fb page said that which theme park is hosting a new event ( roughly the quote) then it makes sense, as well as the actors recruitment page ( which I actually applyed to be an actor this year) saying all new mazes, keeping saw alive. It almost has to be surly a horror movie event fright night thing, basically HHN : UK !
  21. Hi I'm new, and loving this talk about fright nights the best part of thorpe calender in my eyes. Thorpe must be taking on some deal with universal, as from what scaretour's fb page said about a new event and somthing unexpected. Dead silence was produced by universal, in past HHN there was a Dead silence maze, the legend of mary shaw I believe it was called, or somthing to that effect. This is just purly speculation but if thay are keeping Saw , which the brand has been used at HHN a few times, maybe this suggests movie related mazes, which were under the belt of universal perhaps? What do u guys think ?
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