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    Theme parks, reading, writing.

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  1. Really great meet! First ever MoS and I loved it! Going on The Swarm in the dark, backwards and slightly drunk was amazing. Definitely going to next year's Mos meet! James
  2. Hi! Really looking forward to this tomorrow! Probably won't be at the park till 2 ish but I'm there till the very end! James
  3. I won't be able to make any of the dates...gutted!
  4. Hi everyone, Had a really great time and really enjoyed my first TPM event. It was definitely worth travelling for 11 hours! Cannot wait for the next one!
  5. Hi Peaj, OK thanks. Count me in - I can make any of the dates. Looking forward to meeting everyone! James
  6. Hi, I'd love to come to this meet-up. Is the provisional date the definite date? Just so I can start booking hotels etc. James
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