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Posts posted by Rich

  1. I'd go on slammer or samurai but just feels vulnerable. But its safe to know that there are DEEP SEATS:Deep seats, the seats have a inwards, its not like a normal seat like Vortex, you actually are sitting in the seat, whilst not on it

    I think we all know between the different seat styles...And do you really have to talk about poo?Just to contribute to this topic, I love Rush. It's a very good ride.
  2. Yeh it was an awesome day. It was brilliant to meet Adz, Marc, Mark, Alex, Sheepie and Jack :D Also we talked to Chivers & Jade.I hate the teacup thing on the Carousel and I felt like I was going to be sick! :DI felt sorry for Jack when you tried to keep taking a picture, also I can't belive we had to go on skyway AGAIN just to TRY and take a picture, which failed! :D Poor Jack!So the highlight of the day was really meeting the amazing people above and having a hug with Sheepie!Also Marc, the links aren't working.

  3. Ok fair point Holly, no one I swear was pushing it! What made it more believable for me was when for the first time they were doing it, we all took our fingers off it one at a time, till it was just me, it slowed down a lot because of not much energy, but I swear I was not moving it with my power in anyway. I did this with 2 other groups and they were all getting the same guy, because of George who was following me around

  4. It was the ghost hunt tonight, it was EXTREMLY INTERESTING! You know on tv you say, ah thats rigged, someone did that, they are moving the glass around etc... Just to be there, it was amazing!There is a total of 7 spirits apparantly, one by the name of George Roberts was following me all night. They guys asked on the weegey board thing (letters & numbers around the outside and a glass in the middle which people put their finger on, the spirit then takes your energy and its to move the glass around). Thanks to the weegy board we got some VERY interesting facts which he repeated a few times throughout the night.Note: there was 3 groups of 4-5 people going around the theatre in different places.I was in the auditorium/stage first and someone who believes she can see spirits at times if they wish to reveal themself saw 2 of them. A man which we later found out was George Roberts and the other was a boy of 7/8 years old. We didn't get much info out of the boy, he didn't seem strong enough to push the glass. George was standing at the back of the auditorium.The other 2 times I went round I went to the bar, as the first time was very interesting and I was with a different group. This is when I found out that George follows me around the theatre, we asked him twice if he follows anyone else around and he replied with the weegeys boards help, no. He used to work in the projection room when it was a cinema back in the 30's then he had to do army thing. (can't remember). He follows me about because I am always in the lighting box, which used to be the projector room.The 2nd time I was in the bar all the dates etc for his death etc were confirmed again and his name spelt out again, this was strange to me as it was a different group to last, I do geniunly believe that this person exsists and is walking around the theatre behind/beside me. We got some more informtion out of this time and he told us a lot of stuff.We all went into the bar again and it got filmed this time, he repeated his name, job, what he did in the army, how he died, where his body is burried. It was so amazing to be there. If you don't believe this then fine, but I know what I saw and heard. One thing I can tell you straight away was: no, we were not pushing the glass in anyway shape or form, we just had our fingers on the glass and I could feel no one or see no one pushing it around.I have been trying to research this guy in the last 10 minutes and can't find anything. The ghost club are going to start doing really detailed reports to confirm all of this.He is trapped in the theatre and wants to get out, he said this after asking him questions. He said he would visit me from time to time, because once free, apparantly they can do what they want and go where they want to key points in their lives. I feel so privalged and it's really warming that there is a guy who is standing by me and looking after me even though in a way it creeps me out, but apparantly he likes me and is protecting me. He will always remain in my heart for what ever happens after they confirm everything he's said. If the info is true, they will get a medium to come down and release him because thats what he really wants, he was moving the glass to the "yes" bit very fast and we asked him 3 times.I actually feel a little emotional here :lol: As I said, you can believe what you want and you can say it's a load of old rubbish, but something happened tonight for me and it will remain with me for the rest of my life.Sorry for the long post. x

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