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Posts posted by Rich

  1. As some of you may know, I'm technical manager at the Plaza Theatre, Romsey on a voluantry basis. I have been appointed to over see a ghost club coming into the theatre this Saturday evening from 8pm and to be honest, I'm getting a little worried! Not mainly because there might be ghosts, but the whole place in darkness with the emergency lighting that is always on, off! :lol:Help! :'(

  2. Yesterday MSN was a bitch, kept giving me loads of can't send this to the other person. Today though it's been a lot better, but as I refuse to log off then I don't know about the MSN login server status!

  3. Today was quite good, was cool to see some peeps. Sorry I didn't really walk about or anything but I had my friend with me. I got on most of the rides apart from Zodiac & Colossus, which I don't care about! Sorry I didn't really speak to Phill, Alex or Marc, I get shy, but was cool seeing you in real life and not talking on MSN! :) So yeh.. it was a good day.. and sorry Phill for pulling your hair!Also dare I say it.. it was nice meeting up with Seb and going on Slammer with him!

  4. Sorry to nag, and this is nothing to do with X but, Richy, why do you always have to put questions marks on nearly every sentance, when half the time the sentance has nothing what so ever to do with a question!?

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