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Everything posted by JL1

  1. Just thought that I'd say that the ride operators themselves cannot over-ride the block system. Therefore if the blame was to be placed on an individual they wouldn't be wholly responsible.
  2. How can so many people slate the ride already? Shall we just see what it's like once we actually get to ride it?
  3. Regarding the staff members repeating a message through the PA system. This is because there is a large proportion of guests who do not listen to the pre recorded messages. Therefore it is the most convenient way to communicate it without making the host shout and cause delays.
  4. I can confirm that staff were told that it was closing for the remainder of the season. Whether they decide to change their minds on this is yet to be seen.
  5. Tidal Wave HAS closed for the rest of the season. 20/09/15 was its last day open
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