I know all the hype is still here for this years fright nights and all, but I really think 2017 needs to see a complete re vamp with none of the 5 current mazes returning, the mazes need to be spread throughout the park, not just on one side along by Colossus.
I think the event needs a good 6-8 scare attractions and I have a few in mind
The Enfield haunting- based on the true story, follow the sisters through their house, be careful of the poltergeist, a very dark maze, a finale similar to Molly Crowe. Located in a well themed fassaud in the huge empty area on the left hand side of stealth plaza. 4/5 stars
Epping forest- a very long maze based on the haunted Epping forest, will feature a few indoor sections like creepy huts but is mainly outside, similar to Blair witch just a different theme. The queue will start at the current finish for Blair witch by rumba and inferno and it will run down the current Blair witch layout and will continue round the predicted platform 15 route aswell, making it a very long attraction. 3/5 stars
The titanic: what remains- located in the barge where saw alive is currently located, venture through the amazingly themed wreck of the world famous cruise liner, the maze route stays the same but six rooms have some great effects and new theming, the outside is themed extremely well. Some old props from the curse could be used. 4/5 stars
The tribe- the most hyped maze for the event, located in the current location for IAC, filled with actors that are very physical and will do their best to separate the group. Doesn't need extra theming or effects as they are already there, just low the lights and fill it with Crazy actors and you have a great maze, the isolation chambers are used very well. 5/5 stars
Cabin 13- the previous CITW just lost its IP and theming, the rest of the maze is exactly the same so the crowd pleaser doesn't have to leave the event. 4/5 stars
The labyrinth- x is shut for the Halloween season and an Egyptian pyramid vinyl is added over the current fassaud, the entire queue and exit corridors are used for the maze, it is themed to an Egyptian pharaoh and is very scary, has the most actors inside. 5/5 stars
Zombocalypse- a zombie apocalypse themed scare zone running from storm surge all the way down to detonator and nemesis. 2/5 stars
phsycho lane- the path from the lost city flats past Colossus and ends by samurai is filled with crazy actors, not an obvious theme just hoards of crazy, chainsaw weal ding actors.
The entire event will have amazing audio, fog and lighting effects and will have some fun interactive roamers.
I know none of this will obviously never happen because it's Thorpe, but it's just an idea of mine.