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About ThemeParkSpencer

  • Birthday August 2

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  • Favourite ride
    The Swarm
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. I think because of Platform 15 they still have to do checks on the structure! They are most likely waiting for the first lift hill to collapse though! Once the majority of the ride has collapsed they will probably removed the second lift.
  2. Totally agree! Although with the family rides, they did add Angry Birds Land so I don't see it being too unlikely but I don't see the tree clearance being large enough for a thrill coaster! I guess we will have to wait and see although I recon they will demolish Loggers Leap!
  3. With everyone hoping for a new coaster, I would like to bring up something which many people haven't! I think it is possible that Thorpe Park are planning on adding new family rides as well as bringing back the Canada Creek Railway or Loggers Leap! I also think it's possible that they are preparing to demolish Logger's Leap. Thoughts?
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