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About Mattgwise

  • Birthday 07/19/1989

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  • Favourite Theme Park
    Theme Park - Europa Park, Amusement Park - Cedar Point

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    Sutton, Surrey

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  1. Apparently no other investment can be put forward until they have an answer to the water park so literally all decisions including Scorpion Express are supposedly on hold. It is all very strange as there still isn't a decision and planning went in late June/early July last year (13 months ago)
  2. Single rider can vary due to a number of factors, but generally I have found on 4/5 attempts it has been between 20 and 30 mins from about 2/3 of the final straight towards the stairs, but on one occasion that same amount was over 40 mins. It seems to have been quiet pre 12 on my visits before getting longer.
  3. The lake looks fine, it's a natural body of water just modified in size. It's the condition of the splashdown part of track that's rank. Regardless it's still amazing! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGet5KCgG/
  4. It was definitely on one train Sunday, not through choice. Hopefully whatever the issue is gets resolved soon
  5. Perhaps the crows could come back, as they aren't using that area for Hyperia any more.
  6. After 5 rides today, it's certainly my top UK coaster and even high up in my European rankings to. We really are lucky to have this in our own country and for many of us down the road. It's a great coaster in any row TBF which is rare.
  7. Was still closed as of today. Hopefully it'll reopen soon
  8. Despite that, it had 2 further short stoppages of 10-15 mins around 4pm. Other than the morning issue and the two stoppages ran flawlessly. Great atmosphere once it opened.
  9. It's been having a few issues of late, seen it a few times stopped on MCBR. Today it had been shut most the day and opened around 4:30pm.
  10. I think the next big investment will be for the parks 50th birthday in five years, but what that looks like is anyone's guess. Totally agree a log flume of sorts would be good, even if it meant Rumba closing I'd take it.
  11. Fully remember that Inferno situation. Was sitting up there virtually a month. Totally agree all coasters have issues. This really shows the negative approach and damage that modern social media can have. We have heard all sorts of nonsense spread about it. For the time being appreciate any rides on it and expect delays or being spited or it is just best to wait a fair while if you want it to have less issues. I'm sure in time it'll become a very reliable coaster.
  12. It was a new PLC/computer system which has been fully completed. It has had a few teething issues. Half the issue is the restraints and short seat belts which hasn't changed, so naturally fast operation of Colossus still isn't really a thing.
  13. It really was an amazing atmosphere all day and great to see everyone so happy, staff buzzing, and the whole day operationally just outstanding. Watching everyone clap on practically all trains dispatched and returned was nice to see...
  14. What about one of these? https://www.mondialrides.com/avalanche/ Could be fitting to the Skybound name if it even is Thorpe Park?
  15. Nah, just glad to have a massive ride there TBH. I can live without theming at Thorpe! I'd be perfectly happy if it was an amusement park
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