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18th of July 2013 The Good and the Bad



This is rather a strange Blog to start off with I have been dreading this day ever since my last Dental appointment before I Visited Malta.... Malta oh yeah stay Tuned. Wait where was I ah yes... the 18th of July 2013 was the Day I have been dreading why? well Today was the day I had my first ever filling! :( First off my Mum went in before me to have a deep clean. which lasted for half an hour and by this time I was shaking sweating feeling cold in other words very nervous. Then It was my turn I walked in the Dentist says to me "are you ready?" I replied "no not really feeling a bit nervous" then I sat down on the chair the Dentist asks the normal questions then It was time for the bit I was dreading the Anesthetic I am used to Injection all over my body but I have never had it in the gum before so I gritted my teeth to let the Dentist do his thing My right side of my mouth went numb in a matter of seconds. Then the filling began, could not really feel that much although the drill was horrid hearing it screech to make the hole really gave me the shivers. Discomfort arrived when the drill had reached my gum. The smell of what the drill had produced on my tooth reminds me how I file my nails down ( Yeah I don't like cutting them,I am strange) then they Inserted the Solution and before I knew it it was over although it felt like 10 hours rather than 10 Minuets. Over all I felt it went okay and It really has made me consider brushing a few Minuets longer I want to try and keep all my teeth.

Any way now onto the good well after the Dentist I walked down to the Help desk in my Mall and they had a sheet for Job Vacancies I also asked in a few other shops and they said just bring in your CV which I have finally done after putting it off for a rather long time so I have a feeling I may have a Job soon which is very good and will Help in the long run :) Over all these are the sort of main events that had happened today.


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So the dreaded is filling is all done? - You did well - I loathe having fillings done (having said that, I don't have much space for any more!) - and as I said to you before (and before I knew you were due to have a filling), I would much rather have a tooth removed :o

Definitely clean your teeth for a bit longer if it means saving them - I think I've left mine too long - they are a complete state. Speaking of which - you said about filing your nails - I do that aswell - I have developed a bit of a nail file oddity and I never cut my nails but just file and shape them. Oh dear I am waffling!

I hope that you are successful in getting a job - I know where you live has a lot of shops - well a lot compared to my cruddy town - good luck! :)

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I had my first filling done a couple of years ago now. After dodging the dentist for a couple of years (like many, I hate the dentist, but I was literally petrified of them a couple of years back), I needed to go after realising one of my front teeth needed a filling badly.

After a couple of years of not going, it was to best expected that I'd probably need a bit of work elsewhere - I needed another filling and a tooth pulled; guess it could have been worse. I was lucky that with my first filling I was giving some numbing jel before the needles which helped. The funny thing was, I didn't mind the drilling - strangely, the thing I hated the most was the sound of the cleaner (or whatever it's called; the thing which squirts water into your mouth just to make sure there was no stray bits of tooth or whatever). Weird huh?

I've had a couple more fillings since (one a couple of weeks after, and another near the end of last year), and they're a lot more bearable. They're never any fun, of course, but that's that really. Having my tooth pulled was a bit of a nightmare - before arriving, I was told I'd be sedated, but then they said they try to do it without sedating me. I really panicked, and the fact that all they did was simply 'yank it out' wasn't the greatest feeling; but it helped me realise that a filling isn't all that bad. :P

And good luck with the job search! :D

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I've never had a filling, but then I haven't been to the dentist for about 20 years so there has been no one to tell me to have one! I am well aware this is going to bite me in a big way sometime in the future when things start to hurt and major work has to happen, but until then I'm happy with my slowly rotting gnashers.

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Fortunately I only had my first filling 3 years ago for which I was quite looking forward to it as I like the random prodding and attention the dentist does - it's like a mouth massage - random, and odd yes. However I had known from X-Rays that my wisdom teeth have been rotting away inside my gums and at one point they will have to get pulled out as they just didn't want to appear to be cleaned.

This is what caused my first filling when my first wisdom tooth appeared it required attention.

I got another filling 6 months later when another wisdom tooth just about came out of the gum. However this experience was horrible, my mouth wasn't numbed properly and I could feel quite a lot of what was happening and with it being quite near the gum - well yeah you get the picture. To top that off that filling fell out so had to go back and get it redone 2 weeks later. It was at this point I could hear the dentist hinting the wisdom tooth extractions would be coming up soon.

After such a horrible experience the second time round I avoided the dentist for 18 months to try and delay the inevitable. However last month I couldn't leave it any longer and braced myself for news I knew I would be getting.

However the news was worse than I predicted. Currently undergoing treatment where I have had to currently go to the dentist 3 times this last month. Due to me not having any room inside my mouth the wisdom teeth have damaged 2 of my back teeth due to how they have been knocking around. Had to go back the second time to sort out the filling on one side of the mouth and a 3rd time for the major filling on the other side of the mouth as they can't do your whole mouth in one go. I have my 4th visit next week for the dentist to extract one of my wisdom teeth at the top and all of this is getting my mouth ready for the hospital visit my dentist is making me go on. Due to the lack of mouth space and way the wisdom tooth is - The second extraction Is too complicated for the dentist to do so have been referred to go to either Kings College or Guys & St Thomas' for them to open my gum up from the side - remove a bit of my jaw and sew me back up.

However even though all this work is quite major at the moment - the dentists has made sure I have been numbed up properly and currently the experience has been OK. However the extraction & operation I'm not too sure about at the moment.

I think it all depends on the dentist and how busy they are as my new one as my old one has left to be a stay at home mum

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Well Good luck with all of that Peaj and I am sure it will be fine. also in other news sent in some CV's in shops and applying online my local Whsmith is needing weekend workers but there online application site is very confusing and the other places I was told to apply online only places available where in Stains for two places and Reading for one other

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