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Benin's 2014 Park Awards Spectactular!



The most important* awards are here! It’s been one hell of a year for me, and as a result rather than review things on a whole (it would take a very, very long time to go through each park) I’d prefer to just give out awards to the best and worst rides and parks I’ve experienced this year. So let’s get cracking:

Best Park – Efteling (Honourable Mentions – Phantasialand, Europa Park)

I fell completely in love with Efteling this year, everything that I want parks to do oozes from the place. It stinks of class, care and thought throughout the place, with one of the best park atmospheres around, you can tell why it’s one of the biggest theme parks in the world, and why 90% odd of all Dutch people have visited it. Quality over Quantity is clearly their ideal, as the dark rides there are Disney tier good, and the coasters fulfil the family fun market perfectly. The Fairytale Forest is the biggest attraction and it’s gorgeous to wander through for 2 hours and not feel like time was wasted. The hotel is also lovely and continues the feeling of care and attention, whilst Aquanura is a fantastic end to the day.

To be honest, this won the award for the Pancake House alone, so the rest of the park didn’t actually matter.

Best New for 2014 Ride – Helix (HM – Chiapas, Ratatouille, Lost Temple, Alpina Blitz)

This was predictable eh? Yes Helix was clearly the best new ride for 2014, though there are plenty of rides that did their best to entice me otherwise. Unfortunately Helix is pure perfection, from the comfortable trains, to the adventurous track, the amazing airtime and interaction with both other rides and mountain. Mack and Liseberg struck gold with this, and there aren’t enough words in the dictionary to praise it enough.

Best “New for Benin” Ride – Maus au Chocolat (HM – Van Helsing’s Factory, Twister, Superman Madrid)

Probably one of the most trickiest awards to hand out, there were several rides vying for this award, even more than the Honourable Mentions that got into the list. But the winner in the end had to be Maus au Chocolat for being a fantastic interactive dark ride with tonnes of theming and details from the entrance to the exit. Bonus points for being one of the few rides that made me feel hungry through the deliberate mixture of imagery, recipes and piped smells.

Best Water Ride – Chiapas (HM – River Quest, Nautic Jet)

There was only ever going to be one winner here, Chiapas being the best modern day water ride around. Theming, interesting layout, the soundtrack and rave room all add up to provide a fantastic overall experience.

Best Flat Ride – Gerstlauer Sky Fly (HM – Talocan, Spin Spider)

Not too many choices here, but the Sky Fly (ridden at Nigloland and Legoland Deutschland) was a real stand-out in the category. Possibly because I have the knack for it which is an issue with the ride type for many people rather than it actually being good though, regardless it provides a level of interactivity that shouldn’t be ignored, even if the throughput is dreadful.

Best Dark Ride – Fata Morgana (HM – Droomvulcht, Bla Taget)

There are plenty of boat rides that take inspiration from Pirates of the Caribbean, and this one is no exception, but is one of the few that could probably be seen as a massive step up. Using the tow boat system is possibly one of the biggest advantages to the ride, as it allows the sets to be more intimate/smaller and yet still grand in scale. Whilst it is probably full of clichés, it does everything so well, it’s certainly deserving of this award.

Worst Park – Fantasy Island (HM – Walygator, Heide Park, Movie Park Germany)

It’s no wonder this place ended up in administration this year. Location is an issue, as Skegness is probably one of the most seedy of UK Seaside Resorts, combined with the arcade Pyramid and the giant market results in clientele that make Blackpool look classy. It’s tacky but not in a nice way, and for a place that does consider itself a major park (rather than a sea-side funfair most similar parks do such as Bottons or Joyland), it just feels awful to be around for more than a few hours. Plus the rides are crap bar Millenium Coaster. I felt glad to leave.

Worst Coaster – Bandit (HM – Odyssey, Coaster Express, Temple of the Night Hawk)

I rode a LOT of duff coasters this year, ranging from the dull to the obscenely rough to sometimes a mixture of both. I’ve also now discovered why people detest anything made by RCCA, for the two coasters that I did were both terrible, but Bandit was by far and large the worst. You’d think a modern take on Coney Island’s Cyclone would improve it, but you’d be wrong. Bandit is obscene pain from start to finish, and would be better served as a pile of ashes then a ride.

Worst Flat Ride – High Fall (HM – Huss Condor, Huss Frisbee)

Stand-Up Floorless Drop Towers are a marmite ride type at the best of times, but High Fall is one of the worst examples available to experience. The fact that upon every drop a scream of all the riders was followed by cries of pain as it came to a stop makes this the top of the class in being bad.

Worst Water Ride – Wakobato

A Splash Battle that has zero interaction between boats and theming? Utterly pointless, handing this the title quite swiftly and without much need for deliberation.

Biggest Surprise – Van Helsing’s Factory (HM – Tranan, Twister)

This is probably the biggest surprise because of how crap the rest of the park’s attractions are. This ride completely stand-outs amongst the dregs and is definitely one of the best examples of how to do a dark ride coaster. With good theming and a layout that takes full advantage of both the building and the Gerstlauer Bobsled’s tight turns and drops, it deserves recognition for being an unexpected gem.

Most Over-rated Ride – Expedition GeForce (HM – Colossos, Balder)

Controversy time, though the Honourables are just as controversial, GeForce is deemed one of the best rides in the entire world, but it’s an uncomfortable mess in reality, where each airtime hill throws your thighs into the lapbar. Once again an Intamin with a great first drop, but the lack of comfort makes the ride unenjoyable. Also Intamin’s just seemingly appear over-rated when I ride them, but Balder is the one I most enjoyed out of these 3, but wouldn’t say it’s one of the best in the world.

Strangest Park – Schloss Beck (HM – Klotten, Parc Saint Paul)

There were a few parks looking at winning this award, but Schloss Beck wins for the weird placement (round the corner from Movie Park), having an old building centrepiece and some strange assortment of rides and woodland sky walk thing. Whilst many other parks have the manual operation rides, this one had my first and as a result, it wins.

Best Park related Experience – Nigloland Personal Tour (HM – Departing Liseberg with Ride of the Valkyries)

Thanks to my friend John playing the goon card, we managed to meet one of Nigloland’s project managers who gave us a complete tour of the park, from the hotel to backstage. It provided some great insight into the industry as well as how the park in particular takes itself to a serious degree in regards to theming and experience (from theming plant rooms to moaning about visible concrete blocks in the water).

Worst Park related Experience – Peugeot 206 dying in France

On the way through France my car decided that she’d had enough with life and the gearbox died on a random French motorway. As a result she was left in a small town and the panic of having to sort out a hire car and continue our journey wasn’t the most fun thing I’ve done on a trip.

Best Ride Experience – Helix at night

As we all know, night rides tend to make rides even better than during the day, so unsurprisingly this also affects Helix. Though I loved it from my first ride, the night-time ride was nothing sort of astounding, especially through the airtime hills and the hill-side helix. With the views of Gothenburg surrounding you just showing that even inner city parks can have moments of beauty.

Most Hilarious Ride Experience – Anaconda at Walygator’s brake issues

Walygator was one of the worst parks I visited this year, but one incident that stands out is the problems its Wooden coaster had with the brakes. To put it simply, they weren’t working properly, resulting in a varied level of stopping position, be it too early or late. On our ride, the brakes stopped us halfway in the station, resulting in the front end pretty much on the lift-hill. So bad, it was hilarious (the park was still awful though).

Milestones – 350th (Odyssey), 400th (Twister)

And there we have it, the most important* awards of 2014. Thanks for reading, and bring on 2015!

*Note; the actual importance of these awards may be contestable.


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Nice awards!


Efteling (Best Park), Helix (Best New Coaster), Sky Fly (Best New Ride) - I'm with you on all of these. And I've not ridden Bandit, but Coaster Express - another RCCA classic - sits at the bottom of my "all time worst rides" list, so can believe you on that.


But Heide Park sitting in the Honourable Mentions of Worst Park? Sure, it's a Merlin clone-a-thon, and everything seemingly needs to be painted white and green, but it's got some great rides (Colossos, Scream, Krake) and the setting around the lake is really rather lovely... :blink:

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There's just something about Heide I don't like... Colossos is over-rated immensely which doesn't help, Scream (which IS fab) was closed for my visit this year, and the park just seems to lack that certain something for me...


I cannot actually tell WHAT that thing is, but it's just there, nagging away, telling me that the park is just not that good... It's probably the lack of atmosphere coupled with some awful attempts at theming with some pretty average/crap rides outweighing the good ones... Flug is a perfect example of why I dislike Heide actually... And in hindsight that would've won a "Most Disappointing New Ride" Award...

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I like Heide, but it irritates me how awful the park has become after tussauds bought it - it's got three very clear phases. The original owner phase (with beautiful rapids and mine train for example), tussauds era (with awful Rita clone) then Merlin (slightly themed but cheaply done - the entire area around flug has pathways and an old play area half demolished and leading into the ride areas. Looks awful.

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It's definitely a park of 2 halves, with comparative excellence (Colossos, Scream, Krake, setting around the lake, much of the old / original areas, Hotel Port Royal) juxtapositioned against awfulness (Desert Race, colour schemes, the 2 old Vekomas, strange zoning / areas, Desert Race again).

Not sure that Flug der Damonen quite sits in the "awful" bucket, but it's definitely not B&Ms best work: the slowness of it all and the uncomfortable judder during the "Demonic Knot" element are distinct detractors...

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