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Kinder bars give me happiness.



I got back from a trip to Italy ab out 3 weeks ago. Personally, I think the trip could've been better. This was down to several reasons;

1. The people on it were eh

2. The people running it were rubbish

3. We were 20 minutes from Cinecitta world at one point AND WE DIDNT VIST WHY

buuuut it's sop picturesque I can't really complain too much

Anyway, here's a little collection of pictures and talk through my 5 day trip to Naples and Sorrento and Capri (no sun).

Day 1.

So we spent most of the day travelling but when we arrived in the evening a group of us (there were 40 people on this trip) decided to have a quick look round Sorrento's centre. There really isn't very much, but you get some nice views and architecture here and there.

(this was also a brilliant opportunity for me to get used to my new camera and see what it's like in the dark. The whole trip was basically a chance for me to play with it, as I was given the title 'officially official photographer of the trip guy')



You see right across the bay to Naples. Bare in mind it was very very dark, I couldn't even make out Vesuvius with my naked eye, so I sort of jumped when I saw the photo because it was like a ghost mountain.

Day 2.

Spent most of the day on the Amalfi coast, which is so stereotypiucally Italian you wouldn't believe it.


god h8s u lol




One thing very visible in Italy is the amount of stray pet animals you see. There were wild hot dog dogs. It was absolutely terrifying.



favorite shop of the whole trip tbh



One of the Michelangelo's crypt churches. It's pretty cool but unfortunately my lens was too small to take a picture of the entire structure so I had to take the photo through my friends phone XD

Day 3.

So today we visited Pompeii and Vesuvius. Again my camera's lens wasn't wide enough to take any good photos at the crater of Vesuvius, but yeah the Pompeii photos are alright.



It's not very clear from the pictures but it's mentally windy up at the top. It's a weird sensation, your head is absolutely freezing from the wind yet your feet are quite warm from the rocks.


There were some pretty fun rock formations at the top to take arty pictures with. Played around with the shadows and focus a lot up here; this one is probably my favourite.


After our traditional at every foreign country we go to we have to get a McDonald's at least once meal, we continued into Pompeii, where you're immediately greeted by a bunch of rock people who were caught in the blast, giving you a '15 minutes into Pompeii and chill and he give u dis look' glare.


The ruins were pretty cool to run around. I could see a themed area looking amazing with something like this at a big park like Universal, or maybe even Towers?





A couple cool facts: Pompeii was purposefully built in the shape of a fish, for strategic reasons. Whilst a lot of it is uncovered, archaeologists still reckon about 1/4 of it is under dirt, however after recent excurvations costed so much and actually caused damage to a lot of the artifacts, the excavations have stopped and the site is now being preserved. Also, the roman building technique of this entire city has a particular name which meant 'whatever' or, 'random', but I can't remember the name of the technique in Italian. But it's the reason for some of the structural collapses, and the reason why any of the buildings are prone to just falling over if they decide to.

day 4

We spent the whole day at the island of Capri. Really beautiful place, clearly the inspiration for some of the scenes in How to train your dragon.


probably my favourite picture of the trip. I borrowed someone else's lens for this, and oh my it's just so picturesque and look how blue the water is and the rocks are all so cute I want to hug them


clear httyd resemblance


and from above (with someone elses lens again)


18 people were sick on the boat trip around the island of Capri. I'm proud to say I was not, one of those 18.


Stray dogs everywhere!


Italy just does have the greatest ice cream.



Day 5.

The last day on our trip we were given 6 hours of free time to do whatever. Unfortunately from our hotel the nearest theme park was a 2 hour drive away and no one else wanted to give it a go.

I didn't take any pictures that day because I wasn't expecting to go anywhere particularly picturesque, but anyway, here's a couple from the evening pizza making thingy we did.





After pizza we did some bowling. I broke my all time high score of 27 and got 72!

Only those who went to Guildford know how much of an achievement that is for me.


Aaaaand then we congo lined all the way home.


Oh yes, and kinder bars. I lived off them for the week. You can buy pakcs of 48 for €7 so I was like buying 200 a day. They are great. Just yum.

Sorry for long non rolly toasty post, here's an Italian potato.



Recommended Comments

Judging from the photos, the trip. Doesn't come across as bad as you said it was, though it's a shame you never visited Cinecitta (which as a result has an uncertain future now as it stand still).

It does however look very picturesque on all the places you went, especially Rome & Pompeii and is a place I want to visit, not specifically for the theme parks.

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There's no denying the locations were fantastic, just the atmosphere of the people I went with was very uncomfortable and put a dampener on the experience.


I never visited Rome on this trip haha, but I'd sure love to aswell.

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