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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I have to pay to get in, my ap has run out and I don't have enough money to re-new it at the moment. So sucks to me.
  2. I forgot about that! It was a hot day. Maybe I'll show a bit more this time eh Seb? And yes with me (of course!)
  3. Pickles

    This Or That

    MCR!Transexual or transvestite?
  4. http://www.thorpepark.co.uk/opening-times.phpI found the opening times. Eventually, took me a bit.
  5. Pickles


    I blame Alex, cause its fun to blame him
  6. Pickles


    My head hurts and my house looks like a tornado hit it. I'm never having a party again. Tbh.
  7. Pickles


    *Deathly silence*Woww alots going on here atm. P.S sorry bout teh double post.
  8. Pickles


    Well I've been gone for 5 days! Has anyone missed me or even knew I was gone (Alex you don't count dear)?
  9. Pickles


    Dare to be different.
  10. Pickles


    Clicky here for the phone I'm saving up for.
  11. Pickles


    I drink, get drunk, have to be taken off for a walk coz I get roudy and then I almost slap someone. I like it.
  12. Pickles


    I don't like emo stuff. I like better stuff. Beethoven for example **Please note I am joking
  13. Pickles


    Being off school today was not a good idea. I was mean't to hand in my Geog evaluation and hand my tech folder into the head of tech. And to top it all off I'm going to be late into school tomorrow so I can't do all that first thing in the morning. I asked my old Biology teacher if I could blow up the school and he said yes. So there we are my plans for my last day.
  14. Pickles


    Just because I ran into a door in maths doesn't mean I like PE.Yesss lovely modules in Jan.
  15. Pickles


    Hehe I'm glad I didn't do art. Good luck Phill!
  16. Pickles


    Depends what day for london.And I'm on gmail.
  17. Pickles


    Ooooooooh patronising admin!
  18. Pickles


    How do I log in and whats my email address anyway?
  19. Pickles


    Maxi whats my google mail account? I kinda can't remember at all.
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