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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Come and live with me for a bit then you can come with me when I go (whenever that is).
  2. If anyone wants to come to thorpe again just tell me because 1.I need to get an annual pass and 2. ill most likely get the train by myself so ill be able to come whenever. No during school times though. Btw I hate being called Holz atm so yeah.
  3. Well it was a bit of a shock the shooting off part.
  4. Before anyone else posts this, I went on Stealth. Hahaha sucks to the person who said I was gonna bottle it. Love ya really. T'was a good day tbh. I was like the warmest person. I'm now cold though. Was nice seeing and meeting all of you.
  5. Pickles


    Are ugg boots chavvy, savvy?
  6. I think all of you will be happy to know that Jess and Frankie are coming. To answer Sebs questions imo yes they are pretty.
  7. I got bored so ya my desktopy:
  8. Pickles


    What happened to the Wombles? I loved them!
  9. Pickles


    I got alot of rain.
  10. Hehe I have friends! x x x

  11. Pickles


    Bastard **Of the nice kind.
  12. Pickles


    See how much Lexxx bullies me people.
  13. I'm still going.(I'm typing off my newww laptop.)
  14. Pickles


    Mario karts DS ruless may I just say.Hehe I do love all youuuuuu.I'm off to have a drinky.
  15. Pickles


    I have just filled in my application form for my schools sixth form and I am hopefully taking Geography, Classical Civilisation, Media Studies and ICT.I have no idea why I decided on ICT I'm s**te at it.
  16. Pickles


    Hiro Nakamura!!!!!!!<3<3<3
  17. BTW I actually have leikkk 2 mates joining meh, both are maybes. You cant ever be sure about Jess making it and Frankies a maybe cause of the weather. So yah I'm popular
  18. Pickles

    News Desk

    Get a girls opinion on the colours and you will do just fine Its good.
  19. Oh gawddd less than a month and I have to see your ugly mugs again.
  20. Btw my friends name is Frankie, shes the same age etc. Lives literally over the road from me blah blah blah shes basically the opposite of me. Blah blah blah oh and she can control me.
  21. Pickles


    Square is to rectangle as triangle is to ................
  22. Seb sign me up I really really CBA! Luff yhoo x x x
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