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Jake C

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Everything posted by Jake C

  1. I dont find head choppers that effective . although saw has blades, hopefully it will feel like your crashing into them!!edit:Iv'e just seen these comments on youtube. I didn't know anything about this.The first people went on on SundayI was part of a film crew who shot the advert for TP on Tuesday & WednesdayTuesday I did 12 runsWednesday I did 23The novelty has definetly warn off !and"If you like Stealth or Nemesis then I'm sure you will love thisI felt quite battered when we were done but then I was not able to hold onIts very intense after the main drop it is totally full on till you get back to the station there is no coasting along to the next loop its just bang, bang, bangThe decoration was not finnished when we were there but what was done was quite tame relative to the films which are gross"
  2. so will there be an opening ceromony on the 13th instead of the 14th or what?
  3. if I want to buy an annual pass on the 13th can I do that?
  4. Will there be a single rider queue on this ride because it looks like I'm going alone to opening day:(.
  5. Can anyone read what is says on the sign I would realy like to hear if they have added saw kind of phrasses to it.I also think I'm more looking foward to the sceenery and stuff rather then the actual ride .
  6. imagine this as the saw theme music for the ride lol http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LV9uCOobpHU&...feature=related
  7. heres a good rct3 creation of saw. the block brakes last to long though and the pics are a bit rubish but skip to the onride. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=V7hCHZzZ6AQ&...re=channel_page.also I think I no what january video is going to be about if there is one.
  8. looks cool but a tiny bit tacky. is it going to stay like that or go under cover?
  9. I think I was over exagerating abit shikra or milenum force is my faverouit drop but still pretty intense.
  10. I went to adventure island today and went on rage it was pretty expensive at £3.20 for one go. it was also freezing but the drop was the best drop on any rollercoaster I have ever been on. only went on rage it was to cold so went to arcade instead . but it has me totaly siked up for saw
  11. I think it has changed corse abit because of saw aswell so it will be a bit better hopefully. sorry for comming off topic.
  12. I dont think they will show us the cars and till the ride opens.
  13. I cant wait til they releas some photos now.
  14. Jake C


    its painfull when it rains though it feels like hail. but the worst when it rains is stealth.
  15. is there still going to be a windmill?
  16. will it open aS GATES OPEN OR WILL THERE BE SOME GRAND OPENING THING THAT WOULD BE ANOYING. IT GIVES OTHERS A HANCE TO BE FIRST ON IT. I'm so sorry aout the caps just noticed cant be bothers to change it.
  17. good piont I probs wouldnt either. enless I got paid more.
  18. I still think if they are going to bring out a december video that would be the time for it but thats just my opininion.
  19. I think there will be a vid on the 25th of december. it would be cool if it was like jigsaw saying "you are all at home with family and freinds eating drinking but all is about to change," then shows some of the scenes in the building. that would be cool .
  20. soory , I was taking it a bit to seriously.
  21. the stupid one yaeh I did, the one which was that guy singing. it nerly gave me a virus.
  22. Jake C

    Your Thorpe Park

    I would love to be able to turn thorpe park into roller coaster hevan. with about 12 diffrent coasters that would be cool.(y)
  23. on the opening day of this ride will there be an opening ceromoney befor we queue? or will we just be able to get on as soon as possile?
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