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Jake C

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Everything posted by Jake C

  1. Jake C

    Michael Jackson

    dont get me wrong he was a greate artist and should be remeberd for his music. but the amount of media this is getting is just astoashing its not like this guy made world peace.
  2. on ride video of mumbojumbo and a bit of info.
  3. I was going to go but now I'm going to cedarpoint, due to the fact that there are only 2 rides that really apeel to me at sfmm and about 4 at cedar point. these are millenum force, ttd, maverick ang manum. wher as at sfmm theres X2 and tatsu maby terminator that looks okayish.
  4. I use both, on my you tube account I have a ride that was going to be saw but I couldnt get the layout so I changed it to saw mill.
  5. going in october half term for there halloweekends, its going to be busy but I will try amke the most of it. I might also be heading up to kings island which should be grate!
  6. I think the speed on the first drop is in the high twentys maby the low thirtys, but thats just an estimate from me.
  7. Jake C

    This Or That

    half fullsaw the ride or speed
  8. greate day today got on alot of rides.well for me I can only do about 10 rides or a get really sick which is a bummer,the only empty trains where from in the morning when they couldnt fill up stealths trains.
  9. Jake C

    This Or That

    enclosed kate or yasmina from aprentice?
  10. I thought it got stuck in tests thats what one of the ops said, this was because of the thunder storms this morning.
  11. I cant remeber his name but whilst queueing for saw today a member of staff was walking up and down the stairs on the fastrack side fo the gate scaring people it was very funny. also when I queued for saw today the queue was 45 mins on the board but it felt like 1hour. got on stealth seven times though, 6 times at the front.
  12. I been on sheikra at bush gardens and saw at thorpe park but never oblivion, tbh I find vertical rides alot more forcefull then more then vertical rides. but yeh you should defo go on oblivion!
  13. I wish I could:1.work for thorpe park when I'm older for a year or two.2.then work for vekoma or itamin3.get a degree in maths, physics, engineering and science.
  14. always ride the front of stealth and neve ever buy fastrack accept for one occasion when I did.
  15. it doesnt realy look like anything is going on there. I reckon they will finish it in the closed seasson so it doesnt get in the way of things.
  16. I thought id just let you know that at the park today it was raining in the moarning, we decided to go straight to nemmessis inferno once seated we had to be unloaded because of weather conditions. but the staff up for this, they where very cheerfull firstly we played 21 questions thn the staff had some sort of dance off it was very funny. it made the 30mins we had to wait very enjoyable. I give my complments to cat and well I cant remeber her name. there was also another funny thing that happend whilst wating the ride op told us a list of operating rides at that time e read out x no way out and said it was a good one then he paused and said acctully its crap but its inside then he smiled. very funny.
  17. Jake C


    I dont think will se it go for a long while, firstly because its realtivly new and secondly for someone who hasent been on it looks like the scareiest thing in the world (as far as rides go).
  18. how many trains where there running today, and what where the queue times?
  19. anyone seen this.Sore Pride - A Ride too far?Submitted By: furiePublished: March 31st 2009A local objector to Thorpe Park's new ride has found an error in the planning application made. Andrew Bisco of Chertsy has looked at the plans and found that "a significant section of the ride" covers a water main that wasn't re-routed during the build.If the council do find this to be a legitimate claim, Thorpe may have to close its new Saw: The Ride rollercoaster for several months while the foundations are dug up and the water main re-routed.Source coaster force
  20. welcome, nice to see a hammers fan.:)

  21. I thought the reasson they where running six cars is to add the video thing to the other two, correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Jake C


    I didnt think there where ever robot arms there.
  23. I pm you hope it helps .
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