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Jake C

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Everything posted by Jake C

  1. Jake C


    I was going to go to legoland on friday but were going to chessington now.
  2. I think thorpes reliabilty has been wicked this year, well compare to previous years. they could do with less brake downs in the park, you normally see saw down fo 30mins or so and stealth with a few empty trains.
  3. stupid chavs from my school trying to flirt with my girl friend, it so annoying they know we are going out. I think shes scared though cause she cant really do anything about it , so I had to go over and stop them(sorry sounds like I'm the hero really wasnt that heroic)they then try take the piss so we then walk off. I hate chavs who think there hard
  4. I think you will find that it will get busier at the sunscreame event , thorpe are doing quite well advertising it.
  5. sorry for double posting, here is a shot of completed falcon flyer. http://s556.photobucket.com/albums/ss5/the...nt=Shot0005.jpg (sceenery not complete)
  6. by cage do you mean catwalks, if you do there in a set called ac's catwalks. these sets are custom sceenery sets you can downoad them off of certain sights. I do suggest you get more used to the game before downloading them. hope I helpd
  7. Jake C

    Puzzles & Riddles

    what cant go down a drain pipe up, but can go up a drainpipe down?
  8. first picture of my new project, project name is flying falcon. not to sure if it will be the name, you can probayl tell its a custom ctr flyer (if that doesnt work then check out my photbucket account: http://s556.photobucket.com/albums/ss5/the...pg&newest=1
  9. thanks, means alot to me. you should check this out though its amazing
  10. Jake C

    This Or That

    Billy's Whizzer air time or inversions
  11. 1. Maverick-Cedarpoint2. Millenum force-Cedarpoint3. Silverstar-Europa park4. Tatsu-sfmm5. X2-sfmm6. dimondback-kingsisland7. Top Thrill Dragster-cedarpoint8. Nemessis-Alton towers9. Bluefire-Europa park10. Furius Baco-PortAventura Parkand the grate thing is I will have ridden all of these by next summer!
  12. change the 50 pence pices they call wheels, joking. no but they may have changed them and yeh I know they cost alot more then 50p I heard they cost up to 100 pounds each.
  13. sound like you had a good day.what where queue times like?
  14. hey thanks alot dude, I wasent to fond of it pesonaly. I still have better ones to post, but its really good you like it.
  15. heyy, if anyone wants to see my designs there on you tube. my channle name is themeparklad, there are only a few up atm but see what you think of theme any way.
  16. Jake C

    Your Thorpe Park

    2016-new land is opend and is called the land of the dinosours, guests enter the area by nemessis inferno they are greetead by two dinosours about 30 feet tall (I'm not good with dinsour names ) after wallking a few feet there is a big wooden hut where mr monkeys bananan boat used to be. inside the hut is a indoor play area for kids, there are big dinosour themed slides and walk ways, the climbing frame is about 8 floors high! straight ahead on the left by where the carosel used to be is another large dinosour surronded by a wooden fence that when you speek into the tannoid it will repeat what you say but louder and in a grunty voice. next to the dinosour is the entrance for safari tours, the ride starts just behind the large dinosour where jumpin juices used to be, it goes right by slammer after going by alot of sceenery then goes into where the arena used to be near a water feature, then exits by slammer it then travles under a bridge by Colossus the second entrance to the area, it goes behind the topple tower now known as te-rex then goes under the first entrance by inferno and behind the indoor climbing frame called jungle gym then back to the entrance. if you carry on you get to the 3rd entrance which leads on to amity cove, then you can go straight on or into the arena, going to the arena will take you to the new coaster its called peradactil, its a B&M flyer themed to flying like a peadactal over the land. you start at the back of the aren on an artafical waterfall about 20 feet up. the station is a single satation and themed to a rock cave. you start by going down a right curv like nemessis infernos one till your 3 feet on top of the pond from the waterfall, you then lie on your back and turn left next to the safari ride and fountins start going over you and the safari ride. you then turn into a flying position, ang go up a 115 foot chain over the jungle gym. whilst going up the chain there are flame throwers every 10 feet that go off as you past them. you then do a 110 ft drop behind tee-rex curving to the left, then go into an 90 ft wing over by spinning dinos which used to be johnnys whizzers, then travel back into a jungle enviroment and into the arena. you then do a 80 ft hill over the water fall and do a fly to lie position over the nemessis inferno entrance, then travle through jungle gym back into a normal flying position and travle behind tipple tower into a 60ft pretzel loop, and then up a left curv into a 40 ft mcbr, you then go down under the Colossus bridge enrtance along side the safari, then do a zero g roll and around a final helix around a rock feature into the final brake run.this would be thorpe longest and second tallest coaster.
  17. on the sky swatter subject, slamer is the only one atm. the other one shut down and might be relocating for the 3rd time .I think reliabilty has been very good this year with the exeption of stealth. rides still brake down in the day but they normally get them running agien. 14th of march was abit of a joke though, if I dont think the saw fastrack was to grate as a consulation, I think we should have got a fastrack pacage with saw or something. just my opinion though.
  18. mine would be spider man or mummys revenge at universal orlando.
  19. heyy, I'm jake. ive been on the fourms a while but not really introduced myself. my enthusiasm of themeparks a rollercoasters started about 2 years ago in america, my first thrill ride was montu at bg.the moment the car reeleased from the chian I was in love with coasters. my life doesnt just revolve around coasters, I do have a social life. I go out quite abit.I have only told a few peope that I'm a coaster nerd, only people I trust some people can be complete ****ers when you tell them something.I play drums and used to play guitar. my fave music is rock, metal, some pop and new rave.I play alot of ps3 pm me if you want my online name.I go to thorpe park about once a month somtimes less, I get sick very easy so I dont get on alot of rides when I visit.I'm not to sure when I will attend my first meet .
  20. at thorpe park they run it on a lower setting to chessington. I never went on it at chessington but have seen videos and heard it was on a higher setting. I have been on ones at fairs which were alot more intense.
  21. I ment that you dont normaly get wet, but I got soaked and was not expecting it I would of took my jumper off if I knew I was going to get that wet. so I was really cold all day cause I couldnt wear my jumper cause it got really wet.
  22. ill do a report from wensday 22nd of july, arrived at the park after getting lost because of my freinds crummy sat-nav, we were there at 9.20 and the gates were already opend, it was my freinds last day on his AP. we saw saw had an 30 min queue so went to stealth, got 5 rides in a row before getting board so we went to nemessis inferno, then after queued 25 mins for saw, watched loads of family guy on my ipod (that got us through the relativly small queues) bu this time it was 11.45. we went on loggers and got soaked by the first drop so we decided we should do tidal wave, after we did vortex then went on rush. it was now 12 so we got some lunch at burger king. I felt very sick so we decided to do depth charge after we went to Samurai then saw agien, after went on stealth. now it was 4.00pm so we decided to do x/:way out and fineshed on inferno.ride countstealth-6(walk on and 20min)nemessis inferno-2(20 mins and walk on)saw-2 (25 mins and 40 mins)loggers leap-1(walk on)tidal wave-1(10 mins)vortex-1(15 mins)Samurai-1(30mins)x/:way out-1(10 mins)highs!shorter queues then expectedhigh swing on vortexgood ride on tidal wavelows! loggers first drop gets you really wetamount of chavssaw body effect not workingstill no mist on infernno and lights where turned off on our last rideoddapparently the music system cut out at 4 but I did not notice it.
  23. the one in tenarife was rubish, the food was horrible and the floor was so hot! the slides were average but nothing compare to blizzard beach and typhoon lagoon.
  24. Jake C

    This Or That

    sam p- snowmatty 22- never been on ripsaw so its ramassesfloorless or stand up?
  25. I thoght I could hear barberan in the station, I thought it was one of those sounds you somtimes here.
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