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About theface102

  • Birthday 11/22/1993

Previous Fields

  • Favourite ride
    SAW: The Ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Interests
    Theme parks, movies, music and just having fun!

theface102's Achievements

  1. I'm straight for sure =]
  2. I also love metal mate! disturbed are amazing, my favourite, along with bullet, lamb of god and slipknot! =D

  3. Yes I agree. I think that instead of having a new ride next time they should spend money on re-theming, car park, re-painting and the entrance and anything else which will improve the look of the park.
  4. theface102


    Now does everyone want to know an amazing song?Something in Your Mouth - NickelbackNow thats a great song!
  5. HyperParamount or 20th Century Fox?
  6. Over the HedgeBlonde or Brunette?
  7. ChilliDisturbed or Slipknot?
  8. FriendsNickelback or Bloc Party?
  9. Family guy!!Trainers or converse?
  10. Horror every timeLCD or Plasma TVs
  11. People trying to sell thingsBest mate or no best mate?
  12. CostaSamsung Tocco or iPhone
  13. Boxers...Google or Yahoo?
  14. When he sang happy birthday on Rocky Express he mucked up the age lol
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