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Thorpe Park
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Everything posted by THORPE PARK

  1. Hi James, we've just checked and the beach was definitely open until 9pm yesterday. Sounds like it may have been a misunderstanding - unless someone specifically told you it was shut? If so, could you let us know details of who you spoke to and what they said so we can investigate?
  2. Hi guys! Just to answer your questions about the Annual Pass offer, it is something we will be offering until the end of July at least. The offer has two parts - if you pay full price for a day ticket you can get an 'Annual Pass' valid until the end of the 2013 season for free! If you have come in on a 241 or discounted web ticket, then you just need to pay the difference between the value of your ticket (on a 241 this is assumed to be half price, regardless of whether it is the full or free ticket) and the full price ticket to upgrade to this pass. Introduced later this week, we will be offering a full 12 month Annual Pass for a £10 upgrade from the full price day ticket. We will be announcing both offers publicly later this week, but have kept them low key up until now so we can ensure that everything is working correctly, as we expect both offers to be very popular
  3. We can assure you that Fright Nights this year is going to be pretty special... nobody's guessed it yet
  4. Thanks for all the feedback guys - we appreciate that incorrect times on the Queue boards can be frustrating - for us as much as you! The new boards we have had installed for this year have had some teething issues, and we are working hard on an ongoing basis to improve these systems and get them working properly. We never display incorrect queue times on purpose
  5. Hi Thorpe Park Mania! We're so glad that you have decided to be a part of our promotional photography for THE SWARM but we've been ready the posts and see you have a number of questions about what to wear - very sensible thinking we might add! Our advise would be the following: Unfortunately you will not be able to wear coats as the photos need be able to be used all season, however, we know it is very cold at the moment and we don't want you to freeze. We suggest you bring nice warm coats (and gloves and hats if it's as cold as it is today!) that you can wear when the ride is not running and for the actual shots themselves jumpers and hoodies are fine (as long as they don't have any brand names or offensive slogans on them). Below are some links to some photogarphy we did in similar weather conditions which will hopefully help you in making your clothing choices! http://www.thorpepark.com/press/image-bank/images/saw-the-ride/fullsize/SAW-7.jpg http://www.thorpepark.com/press/image-bank/images/the-swarm/fullsize/the-swarm-ride-2.jpg We're really looking forward to seeing you on Friday. The THORPE PARK team
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