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Everything posted by meme5053

  1. A rowing boat with 2 living creatures of the opposite sex
  2. Wow! This looks brilliant but I have ONE problem, the last inversion looks abit tight.....
  3. There are multiple possibilities:1. No gun2. weak bulletsAnd they are wearing bullet proof vestsBrownie points:Ellie-LMarcTimRMarkKingveveraine
  4. He is too short to reach the 12th floor button, if it is raining, he uses his unbrella to press the 12th floor button and if there is someone on with him, the person who he is with pushes the 12th floor button!I'm to flippin' good at this!
  5. There can't be an awnser as their isn't a question!
  6. The awnser is "No" The last line is "Can you guess the riddle" so the rest of the words are just words,Awnser=No
  7. The bit in the middle is only open for access to the maintenance shed, it will be closed most of the time when the area is open.
  8. WELL DONE, ALEX! You got it right!
  9. Two identical twins are born on different days, how is this possible?
  10. Same here, Tommy! Except I am going Saturday!
  11. It wasn't health and safety that didn't allow it, it was the surrey council. It couldn't spin due to interfering with the aircraft control or something...
  12. Aaah, speculation! the enthusiast's entertainment!As you have all said, for most announcments, jigsaw's voice, for emergency announcments, normal voice.End of!
  13. Well I have been using paint for god knows how long! PM me if you want to see some of my other work.
  14. Thank you, Ellie! It was only a quick thing I wanted to do in paint
  15. I made a small mock up of what I think the SAW: The ride ORP's will look like:
  16. I shall let you all know tomorrow whether I can come or not! I hope it's a yes!
  17. For SAW merchandise I predict a medal/t-shirt/mug that says "I won the game"
  18. Can we PLEASE stop talking about chav's and get back on topic?I can't wait for opening day! It will be so immense!
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