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Everything posted by meme5053

  1. Oakwood is definitely a brilliant themepark! It's under-estimated, "It's just a small family owned park in the corner of wales, It's no big deal" BUT It's got one of the best wooden coasters in the world PLUS a pretty good eurofighter.
  2. Why in the name of god is there an American police car?! It looks so out of place! It's one piece of theming I hope is gone in a couple of years O_O
  3. Hi-fiving?! That sounds awfully farmilliar...Rob, were you working on Colossus back in 07/06? Because there was a darker coloured man working on Colossus a while back who was high-fiving everyone as they left the station and went up the lift
  4. meme5053

    This Or That

    Thrill chill.Pie or cake?
  5. Aw, poor Frankie Everyone in Frankie's group say sorry and give her(?) a cookie!
  6. It's not actually on the block break, just before them...Look VERY closely at the bottom of the car, its normal track!On one hand, it could of been a publicity stunt due to the fact that they are still in the process of testing and why would they get to ride it while it is still under construction?On the other hand, like I said before, the car's not actually on the block break, just before them and that I read a report saying that the actual vows were done at the bottom and the vicar/priest got of then due to fear of heights.
  7. Ya know, the timer might not be counting down to opening day. Might be for a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR update like the storyline and POV are released.
  8. I tottaly agree with you, Alex! All the other rides will look like turd compared to Saw, however, there is also the question as to what theming will be working atleast 90% of the time. Take duel for example! That is supposed to have a whole TON of effects yet only a handful of them work. Hopefully now with merlin in control, they will up their game.
  9. meme5053


    I can't see it to be honest...Mind circling it in red for me?
  10. There is also the question of how many cars they will actually have on track at once.
  11. meme5053


    "Noise from the planned new coaster was modeled on a similar one at Thorpe Park. The Thorpe Park ride, "No Way Out" is totally enclosed within a metal framed/clad building".That hints that this is indeed going to be indeed a vekoma as said at first and not an Intamin
  12. In THAT case, I might come to thatone instead and have a chance to see saw!
  13. Well my mum said that it wont affect her B-day at all so I may be able to come after all. But what is the point of the trip? Half the rides will be closed and some people here may only be able to afford going once, like me. So why not go opening day of the MAIN season instead?
  14. Well that makes it a bitmore unlikley that I will be attending, It's my mum's birthday on the day...
  15. Lol, just realised this is for thrill chill and not full season! How dopey can I get?
  16. What?! No stealth?! OR saw!? OUTRAGE! OUTRAGE I SAY!Well the list seems OK I suppose...
  17. Well it's looking more and more likley that I will be able to come!My nan will give me some money towwards it,My dad has said it's not a deffinate no but not a deffinate yes!And I have a few questions,1.What rides will be open on the day?2.What is the situation with minors?3.What is the schedual or is it just like a "Let's do________now" sorta thing?Edit:WHOOPS! Sorry! Double post, forgot about my otherone.
  18. meme5053


    I like this thread, it makes me think of pie
  19. Put me as a maybe, it depends on quite a few things ATM
  20. Sooo...Basically your saying you don't want me? I won't be offended just tell me the truth, I can understand it will make it more difficult for you all with me being so young, Yeah I understand completley!
  21. Then why does it have "13-6""13-7" Ect?
  22. Well I might POSSIBLY be able to come, I just need money and to persuade my dad.And Master iskander-What do you mean by "Quite a hard age"?
  23. I really want to come with you lot but due to being only 12 and that I don't know any of you AND that my dad won't want to drive me up there just to walk around the park with a bunch of strangers all day, I probably won't come.
  24. I saw that earlier in school today, It looks rather good from the back apart from the fact that it looks like someone got a load of random walls from RCT and plonked them together.
  25. If you ask me I think alton and thorpe should be combined to create a megapark and knock cedar point down the list!Alton-theming/coastersThorpe-Flatrides/theming
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