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Posts posted by Paul

  1. Overall I had mixed reactions. Some subjects I got grades that I never even contemplated getting, whereas others I was quite disappointed with getting lower grades than I expected. I was really hoping for an A* in Maths as I'd always been predicted it, and 3 of 4 of my modules I got high A*'s and the last I got a high A, but overall I got an A. People keep telling me 'what are you complaining about an A is really good!'. Yes it is, but when you've been almost 100% sure that you were on track for an A* and you put in all the effort you could, it is a tad disappointing.

  2. I get what you mean, many people laugh at me when I say I would be disappointed if I got any B's at GCSE, but it's my personal target, based on the predictions that I've had in the past / mock results etc. There are some people in my school with such high personal targets that they would be disappointed if they didn't get a full set of A*'s. Again, it's down to personal aims. There are others that would settle for a full set of F's. It's all down to each individual.

  3. Ditto :D ...and to those getting their GCSE results on Tuesday. :DI had a fantastic day at Thorpe today, got my Merlin AP which I'm so happy about finally getting, and have a Chessington trip and another Thorpe park trip coming up in the next week :(And my best friend comes back from holiday tomorrow!Couldn't be happier right now! :D

  4. The whole "lights on" thing is great for one ride, especially for fanboys it can be quite interesting. But after that, I agree it completely defeats the ride's brief which is a backwards IN THE DARK roller coaster. If they leave the lights on for much longer they'll have to change signage etc.

  5. Gah I've had these stupid stretch marks on my back for about 4 years now. I've never got them checked out by a doctor, just because loads of my friends at school had the same thing and told me it's just a normal part of growing. Thinking back to when I got them, I did have a huge growth spurt around then and was doing a lot of sit-ups when they first appeared so that makes sense. But what's annoying me is that they're still there! They have faded a lot since I first got them, but they still make me really self conscious about going to the beach / swimming etc. I've got a doctor's appointment next week for something else but while I'm there I may as well ask if they have anything that can reduce the appearance of them because I'm just getting sick of how much they're ruining my confidence! Has anyone else had the same problem and has any treatments that have worked?

  6. Before I had any relationships I always used to underestimate love. The word in itself has such meaning, it still does to this day irritate me beyond belief when people use it without understanding its proper meaning. I hit the 5 month mark with my girlfriend just last week, and it's only just in the last few weeks fully occurred to me that I'm in love, for the first time. I've got to say, until you experience it for yourself it literally is indescribable. The amount of love I have for my partner is just too much to comprehend, and I'm literally finding it impossible to imagine my life without her. I'm only young, and so many people generalise and say 'Oh you can't be in love at that age', blah blah blah. But the truth is, you can. How do I know? Because I've never felt like this before. It can't be anything else.

  7. I hate smoking full stop. I remember when I went to Thorpe Park for the first time when I was about 14, we were stood waiting for a ride in the dark (can't remember what ride it was but it's one where you have to wait under a tunnel for a bit, Colossus maybe?) and we had groups of people smoking in front of us and behind us. If that wasn't enough the numptys in front asked me and me two other 14 year old friends at the time if we had 'a fag lighter.' The funny thing is they went how old are you? And we said 14. And they still asked us if we had a lighter.

    Oh I so agree. I've been asked so many times for a lighter in queuelines and I'm always thinking 'If you're going to stand there and break the rules and ruin everyone else's queueing then you can at least bring your own f***ing lighter'.
  8. I completely agree, I love being able to walk straight through the building at your own pace, without stopping until you get to the station.

  9. When your girlfriend openly flirts with your best friend in front of you, and then asks you whats up when you decided to watch the tv instead of looking at them. Yeah, that pisses me off.

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