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About Millie27

  • Birthday 01/27/1995

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  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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    City Of London
  • Interests
    Rollercoasters! :)

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  1. Haha, fair enough. I didn't bring it up originally though. It's just something I find annoying. Like I find graffiti/things being broken at Thorpe Park annoying but other people don't notice/care.
  2. I meant that I thought it should be obvious to people, if there is a chain around something, you don't ignore it because it's obviously there for a reason.
  3. ^ People were doing that on Sunday evening, lying on the bonnet as well.. .Are people stupid? How can they not notice the chain around it?
  4. Well done Tommy . Adding to the conversation about people complaining about A's...In my photography GCSE, I have been predicted an A* the whole way through... We get marked on each unit we do, and we recently did a three month unit of which we could chose the subject. I chose 'Theme Parks & Tourist Attractions'.I worked my but off seriously... I spent so much time in the summer holidays doing it, countless hours writing up my pictures and cutting out card and making sure it was the best it could be. I was really hoping for an A* and I was heartbroken when I was told I had an A. Yes, as my teacher said 'some people would give their arm for an A grade'. He said this when my friend told him how upset I was.... He had earlier told me that I was lucky to get an A as my work was really B standard and not very good.I was pretty devastated, not due to the grade at all, because I know it's a good grade and I'm proud.. but the amount of time & effort I put in compared to others who spent 10 minutes the night before and wrote one sentence instead of the whole page I did, I actually find it quite offensive that they got a high A* and I only got an A/ basically a B. It makes me feel like I really shouldn't bother if I don't get the grade that I wanted. However, I do see how you feel, Holly, because in pretty much all of my other subjects I'm predicted B's & C's. Didn't do particularly well in my modules... bar biology & business studies.Bio - A*Business - AChemistry - DPhysics - EMaths A - DMaths B - A I am pretty pleased with most of those results, but disappointed, as I think that I could have done better.However, I do hate hate HATE, when people are like 'Omg one mark off an A* argh so annoyed arghhhhh'. Especially when they are trying to rub it in because they know that you would have gotten a lower mark... (not aimed at you at all Josh.)Sorry for the essay!
  5. They have signs up before you get in to the entrance saying 'Thorpe Park has reached full capacity', and unless you have pre-booked & have proof to show that then they wont let you in, no.
  6. Yeah, I have been on Manta. :) It is amazing! x

  7. I agree. Two years ago, I naively thought that if I got there half an hour after opening there would be no way that it would have reached full capacity, I was so so wrong. We then drove to Chessington and there were three hour queues. Not very nice. I would recommend a day other than halloween unless you want ridiculously long queues.
  8. Is the 31st halloween? Because if it is... Last time I went on halloween, the park reached full capacity and I got there half an hour after opening.
  9. :( :L I got an A and a D in my module 2 exam in maths
  10. tehe

    I would if I had the spare time. :P x

  11. Your interests are maths/physics? tutor me please? :L x

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