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Theme Park bloke

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  1. I am disgusted at the treatment and respect for people round here - I have been ever since I joined.In the last few days I have reported TPM.co.uk and this forum to a websites operating agency who constantly monitor the operation of websites such as these. They are now monitoring the website and forum for 120 days, looking for suspicious, abusive behaviour. They're also looking for any illegal copyright or disclosed information. If, in those 120 days of monitoring, something suspicious or criminal is found, the agency may contact anyone here - or they may not. However, it does warn of police involvement if any criminal activity is found.I have the contact details saved away from a computer of mods, admins and abusive members. These details have been given to the website operating agency.I am not going to reveal any details about the agency monitoring this place.This information is not a threat to anyone.TPM don't have to worry about banning me from this hell hole as I will be taking a break from here for a while as of today - I will be back.
  2. A green Rita track? Please no, don't do anything with it, it's a lovely colour.
  3. Renée Zellweger in Bridget Jones' Diary...there's something appealing about her in that film.
  4. Blimey, even I can't manage that! The Saw station smell is nice, it's one of the first things that made me smile when I was queueing for my first ride. With Colossus' station, I love the way the music "bounces" off the walls.
  5. It seems to me that of all the differently-named restaurants they've had in there over the years, the food has always been horrible.
  6. Would I say I am obsessed? Hell, yeah! I'd be made not to. I am the Theme Park bloke after all.To TPDan and Mark: Why am I surprised you two are not obsessed? I'm only having a joke with you so please don't get all serious on me.
  7. Has anyone here tried food from the Fried Chicken Co this year?If you ain't, don't next year. It's rank. Seriously.
  8. Those parts must be tiny and very hard to spot then, I can hardly tell the difference there.Professor Burp's Bubbleworks fans here will remember the Fairground music used around the Cola Coaster, it's still used now with the annoying ducks. Before the main tune actually starts, there is a section I like for about 5 seconds, yet you can't seem to get that on the net. The version you can download has a different start. One day I'll actually make a ride-through where I join all the tracks up over each other, in sync.
  9. There is 1 "official" Vampire tune and 1 "unofficial" - the official one has 5 church bell strikes in it, as where as the unofficial one, available to download from places like Reride, has 7.
  10. That looks cool. I want a copy of the animated one, but it's in Flash.
  11. Hmm, looks like there's going to be some roadworks going on near the park, resulting in some road closures.More information: http://www.altontowers.com/plan-your-visit/how-to-find-us/
  12. Yeah, I don't think the Vampire music suits Thorpe in any shape or form. So you mean the version you can download from Reride?
  13. I heard that during this year's Fright Nights, Chessie's Vampire music was played at Thorpe Park - is this true?
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