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Colossus 2009

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Everything posted by Colossus 2009

  1. thats harsh lol anyway has anyone seen CARL like I asked before cause it seems like I'm the only one who asks for him on here does anyone know if he has face book or anything ??I do find him one of the best in rides he really is the lengend of thorpe park rides team as well as EWAN I think it is as well lol there botyh amazing trully are I lvoe them both and I also love that steve guy who works I nretail but he kind of is a geek which makes him my type lol if anyone knows them please comment back Thank you guys !!
  2. well look on the posistive side which is te fact it has single rider back on it and was on operation as of yesturday so all us single riders can now get on with filling all those empty seats I love saw the ride its the best ever
  3. I agree completely I think nemesis inferno and rush queues always move very quiclky which is very good with there larger throughputs per hour
  4. Yes it is the very tight bend that they redone this year to build SAW they have made the bend to sharp and the train stuggles with the wheels it has to get round it so the other day it derailed its happened about 5 times this year thats been the downtime for it this year but hopefully it wil lresovle itself out sooner than later its open now so lets hope no more derailment
  5. oh just keep your eye out cause out of the times I have been on saw I think EWAN and CARL are the best although CARL is normally at the entrance of the ride and EWAN either operates it or does the bars xxxx
  6. its alrite babe I should of been more careful sory can u understand wat I have wrote and do u no him anyway xxxx
  7. sorry babe I'm dylexic and I really cant do fings like that so sorry xxxx
  8. Has anyone been recently and seen that guy called CARL he is well scary and he bangs the fences and stuff and walks up and down the stairs and just scares me everytime all he does is scare but still its pretty scary and wen he stands out the front he is very scary he just looks at you and points and does nothing else but that its so freaky lol anyone no who I mean I love him so much he is very goo at his job he works on stealth and nemesis as well x thanks guys wb xxx
  9. Thats been on there all week babe I went on monday and it was there x
  10. Stealth goes faster and it has new very expensive wheels instead of the cheap ones they hasd last year so good wheels means less rollbacks and nowdays stealth glides over the top of it when I was speaking to Carl on it the other day he told me xxx
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