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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Universal just finished their webcast announcement of new stuff coming to Orlando! The new waterpark was not announced. Despicable Me replacing Neutron was announced! It'll be in 3D and will turn the audience into Minions! Huge tech upgrades to Spiderman were announced! It's going HD, with new animation and some set enhancements too! The new HD projection looks stunning, here's a preview shot! Both attractions are due to be operational in 2012, but no specific date has been given.So nothing we didn't know was happening, no official word on the WonderSea project yet, but exciting nonetheless!
  2. Particularly given the likelihood the track in Ohio was for this, in which case it's confirmed.
  3. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    My top tracks so far are Marry The Night, Govt Hooker, Judas, Americano, Hair and Edge of Glory Haven't heard Heavy Metal Lover or Electric Chapel yet (or album version of You and I but I loved the old live version).Edit: LOVE Electric Chapel!I think I preferred the more natural and piano-ey pre-album version of You and I, but it's still a great song. Her voice sounds really good in it.
  4. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I'm listening on the Metro site now! Up to Judas so only one new song so far... But Government Hooker is brilliant! Love love love you Gaga :blush:Edit: Americano is JUST how I imagined it! Fantastic!
  5. Why am I invisible to the forum today? I've posted quite a few times yet am nowhere to be seen on the 'Today's top 20 posters' list!Edit: I now exist, but have only posted twice allegedly!
  6. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Well the hard copy arrived in the UK today - HMV have already 'accidentally' sold at least 2 copies and have played the full album in one of their shops so it'll probably leak now. Guess I'll listen to it on the Metro site tomorrow then.
  7. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I really don't know what I'm going to do about it... Given Metro have the whole thing tomorrow I'm really tempted... I don't want to miss out on all the reaction so want to listen tomorrow, but I also want the thrill of running into HMV on Monday and grabbing it! Dilemma!In other news, it has been confirmed that the HBO Special will air here on Saturday, 9 pm on Sky1 HD! Even though I watched it when it premiered on HBO and downloaded the entire thing to my computer I still can't wait to watch it again
  8. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Was just about to post that I'm not downloading it, but will allow myself to listen to it! I really like it I've been listening to the instrumental snippet ever since it emerged so I'm really happy to have the full song! So much Gaga all at once recently, I'm going to explode!
  9. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    ^ The entire set was amazing <3 Felt so sad when she cried though Orange Coloured Sky, The Edge of Glory and Judas were especially spectacular B)Aargh, the more I listen to Judas, The Edge of Glory and Hair, the more I want Americano, Government Hooker and Marry The Night!! Aaargh!
  10. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Hair is out now on iTunes! Link!I love it, but little surprise there!
  11. Funnily enough, after disagreeing so violently with your last part Mark, I also agree about Ripsaw Falls. Not up to the standard of the rest of the park. Bilge Rat Barges is one of my favourite rides ever though, utterly hilarious
  12. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Okay so her performance at R1BW was AMAZING!!! Absolutely earth shattering, brilliant and stunning! If you didn't watch, get it on iPlayer! The best set I've seen her do, and I'd say on a par with the Monster Ball. WOW.
  13. But the whole point of suspended disbelief is that you know it isn't real, even if that isn't glaringly obvious. By extension, I'd argue that it doesn't really matter if you can see it or not.Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer it wasn't there. All I'm saying is, it really doesn't ruin the experience. Go look at the mandrake roots instead, much more fun
  14. It's not that they can't, it's just that if they both dispatched simultaneously and ascended the lift at the same speed, they would be out of sync at the duel points due to the trains' differing masses. It is a system to circumvent this problem - read if you will!And re FJ, do you go into a theatre and think, "This is rubbish, they're actors on a stage! This isn't real!"? We all know the ride is in a show building really, but it's all about suspending your disbelief!
  15. Hm, I'm a bit surprised at some of what you've said to be honest Mark!To start with FJ, I think it really depends on the kind of person you are regarding the show building bothering you or not. When I was there sure, I could look up, and see the show building. But I didn't look. I don't see how, when surrounded with all the amazing stuff in that ride area, all you can think of is that you can see the show building. I really think you have to be looking for something to be disappointed about if it bothers you that much.Second, I completely fail to see how you can compare the park to Thorpe in any way!? It is consistently voted as, and generally thought of as, one of the best parks in the world in terms of themed experiences. Spiderman rightly held the top dark ride spot for 10 years, and a lot of people now say IOA have the best two dark rides with the addition of FJ. Where are they at Thorpe? In terms of the park as a whole, where is the mystic fountain? Where is Mythos? Where are all the tiny details stuck all over Port of Entry? Perhaps you were too busy looking at the Forbidden Journey show building to notice them...Also, some of the stuff you thought about DD seemed a bit odd to me... I don't really see how you could think it's queue is as good as it was before, when it's so much more plain now? Also, the dispatch at different times is done on purpose so that the correct lift hill speed can be set to get each differently weighted train to the duel points at the correct time. If they were dispatched simultaneously, they wouldn't duel. I have the train weighing and dispatch system patent somewhere if you want to see it... So under this system, the throughput would be far worse if it didn't have dual onload/offload.I'll be interested to see what you think of the rest of the park... Oh, but you win cookies for still calling DD by it's old name
  16. AdamY


    The 390s are cooler Although I've never actually seen a Delner working before, so nice find!
  17. As our dear Mr Hicks has just ably demonstrated, there are just a few more factors to be considered here than acceleration in freefall...Hicks, I hereby applaud you! That was excellent :PEdit: You posted while I was writing, you ninja
  18. Just the main stuff Mark! Any more than that might just be impossible :)In other news, anyone ever met this guy?
  19. We're not doing both waterparks in a day, just thought it would be a fun challenge doing the rest! The guys from Touring Plans have done all four of the 'dry' parks in a day, so we were going to give it a bash on one of our spare days with the addition of Typhoon Lagoon :)And Mikey, just for the challenge of it!
  20. So, has anyone on here ever done the all-park-one-day marathon? It's been done, and we're planning to do it in the summer! The plan is Typhoon Lagoon, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, EPCOT and Magic Kingdom all in one day. Game on.
  21. Great photos! I think this is it - partly because the colour matches that stated in the plans, but also because Raptor's track said X-Works on the label as the customer, so I'm guessing it's some kind of Merlin alias. Be aware though, just because we see it now that doesn't mean we'll see it arrive any sooner than we expected - considering B&M have ~70 to 80 segments to fabricate. It takes time.
  22. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Okay so I failed Went to Annabel's, only to find she wouldn't be there till 00:00, so left after about 30 mins. Went over to her hotel but couldn't wait around for long, and she wasn't back from Graham Norton filming yet so we headed over to the Beeb, only to find she had left At this point we called ourselves beaten and headed home
  23. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    So... Gaga is playing a secret gig in London tonight and I happen to know where it is... Seriously tempted to go down and see what I can spy... Will report back if I do.
  24. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I mean actual leaks, as opposed to intentional ones.
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