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Posts posted by Johnny07

  1. You turn on one switch and leave it on for a while. You then turn that one off and turn on another. Then - enter the room. You go to see if a bulb is warm, if its is - then its the first. If a bulb is on, then its obviously the second and if neither of those, its the switch you didnt use. It makes sense in my head - dont know if I'm right though :)I expect you'll find this easy, but its all I can think of...Jane's mother has three daughters. One is called April, another May - what is the name of the third daughter?

  2. I think only amity and parks of calypso quay have that kind of fencing. For some reason I thought it was all like that as well, until I checked pictures. I suppose it would sort of suit the area for saw, unless a type of chained fencing is used to for a more industrial look.

  3. Anyone else get these visual migraine things? Basically a blurred spot of vision which starts in your centre point of vision and slowly expands and moves off. Its a bit scary at first, but alright when you know what it is. Be nice to know someone who gets em' as well :unsure:

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