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Posts posted by Johnny07

  1. I agree..I wouldn't be going but ...The O2 (the dome) its got an ice rink, cinema (biggest screen in london or something) , Tutankhamun’s Exibition, bar's resturants blah blah blah ;)

  2. went to chessie today, had a great day except dragon falls was shut all day. vampire x 2 (second time at the front :P ) hahatomb blaster x 1 (bolder wasent working :( )dragons fury x 2billy's whizzer x 1bash street bus (all to ourselfs) haharattlesnake x 2black buccaner x 1and I think that was it....pro's: great day with no shutdowns half way through the day or anything annoying like that, I think they have added new lighting effects to vampire, quite a nice touch I thought, but nothing special,good queue times for everything, longest on fury about 40 mins at peak time and fury was very realiable :P haha, and I genrually had a gd day! oh ye and we were offered free fastrack tickets but my annoying friend said no,grrrrrrrrr!con's: landscaping of dragons fury queue is now a mess in my opinon and they need to get the auido sorted out (have those speakers up the lift hills and brake sections ever worked?!) tomb blaster, not all effects working audio a bit of a mess but I guess it was ok, ah yes and later on in the day the water on billy whizzer wasent working but hey, and the speakers round there are in a terrible state (I seem like I'm speaker obsessed) there was one litteraly hanging from the wire, deary me!so ye, all in all a rather fun day :P (has anyone ever been tricked by that water drinking fountain where you press the button but instead a load of water spays from the ceiling, its very cool! And I was chased by one of those people dressed up as a beano charecter, scary stuff!) lols

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