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Posts posted by Johnny07

  1. Ah, ida maria. I was supposed to see them live but she was ill which sucked. A band called fanfarlo took their place, they were pretty awesome.

  2. Isn't it 'the man who can't be moved' ? Ah well, same concept. There's a few mainstream bands I'm into, like the script and muse. Team Waterpolo and rediscover are a couple which aren't that big yet, but I basically like nearly every genre of music.

  3. Ohh my turn. Posted Image August 07 - I'm the one of the left. Posted ImageMini Jonny on that dragon ride at Legoland. Deary me I look so scared - probably because the bar is hardly holding me in. Posted ImageOh dear, unsurprisingly I'm the weirdest looking one with my hands in the air shouting something. About 3 years ago now.

  4. And to do with Tidal - when you have about a half full boat of people, the splash doesn't reach the bridge, but when the boat is full, the splash hits the splash zone easily, it isn't anything to do with the water level.

    The thing is, the boats were being filled up to their maximum capacity as there was a 5-10 minute queue time.
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