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Everything posted by Drawin

  1. I want more of the BMX type videos, not these overused rubbish teasers. >.>BTW, did anyone see underneath THE SWARM logo saying 'NOW OPEN'? Oh no, I must be the advert for when it opens, or it was a typo. </3
  2. I hope they include Lez Cougan into one of their adverts for the TV, him going "I TOLD YA! AND YOU ALL LAUGHED AT ME! HAHAHAHA-*taken by swarm and POV of him on he ride*That would make me whole.
  3. I'm sorry, but I LOL'd when the guy was screaming at @00:30. XDI liked it, but it seemed very fake and unnatural. I would prepare if they went with the sudden attack like videos, it's more scary and comes across much better. Meh, still good for a internet teaser.
  4. *bump* (considering that it opens very soon)
  5. I'd just like to point out that most people (not everybody, but most) were saying a year ago about how crap and cheap this ride was going to be. What we got is a sexy new B&M type coaster in the UK that will most likely be AMAZING. Most people thought that most of the theming would be cut and it would look bare. What we got was a plane wing, fuselarge, helicopter, fire truck, church and a amazingly themed surrounding, and that's only from what we've seen. People had thought the adverts were going to be boring and no effort would be put in, look at what they produced in the last video.Now, what I'm trying to get at is, yeah, people are entitled to their opinion, ranting or not. However, due to all the facts I've mentioned a both, maybe if we wait until the opening day to see how it will be?Anyway, lets all try not to rip each other to pieces over a stupid band playing at Thorpe when their opening THE SWARM in less then, what, 11 days?
  6. Did I not say Thorpe are going to come out with something really good? Really did give me goosebumps. This would make me so happy if that happened.
  7. I had thought that's where the 2015 ride was going to go? O__oAnyway, I have a hunch that a advert is going to come on at the 9 o'clock watershed, so I'll keep channel switching in the breaks at 9. XD I mean it would make sense, as it would be something you couldn't post before the watershed, if it's as good as were hoping it will be.
  8. I'd be very disappointed if that was the final advert. The one you just posted a both would have been a perfect advert for the swarm, I would of mistaken it for swarm if it didn't say Raptor at the end.However, all of the adverts have had someone talking over at the end and at least some pov onride footage with people on it, as so with: As you can see, all of these have had professional filming and pretty good story lines. I would be deeply surprised if with their most themed and story based ride, they went with that awful advert. I expect something that blows all of these adverts away in a few days.
  9. I'm going cinema's on Wednesday to see 'The Artist', as I'll keep my camera ready and video it if it comes on. (hopefully I won't be charged for recording the movie. XD)
  10. Who are the people on the second set of pictures? TP Staff? O.o
  11. The scream that the swarm makes is amazing! Anyone else think this is what will pop on our screens in a few days time?
  12. Would have liked to see how the theming went up .. meh, alwell. <3
  13. I guess the swarm DOES take peoples limbs off. *looks at dead people on ground*EDIT: Personally, it does look cool, but pretty useless for travelling around the park, it's so messy. Although, from the characters on the swarm site, we can expect panicking actors and ER Doctors.
  14. I like Jonathan Ross, I just wished they had done a bit of research before hand.Any way, <3'ing the picture at 0:24 under the wing!
  15. All credit goes to Danzibarr on CoasterForce, who was lucky enough to go a tour with UKrides: - The brake under the wing is a trim but is likely not to be used. B&M install it as a precaution, and it operates if it detects the train is travelling too fast, although so far it's not been kicked into action at all throughout any of the testing. - The station isn't having a roof so will be open to the elements. - When it opens, it will double the total number of 'effects' used in total throughout the park. Fire, water and smoke are all being used (although we already knew that?).. And as a sidetrack, Tidal Wave's fire effect won't be running again this year, but they've done some work to the structure and hope to have it running again in 2013.- They're hoping for 1100/1200 pph on Swarm (apparently Raptor gets about 700pph), and will run two trains 'hopefully' all year.- You won't get the choice of right/left riding, the queue will be managed in a similar way to Air.- They've opted for a front row queue as opposed to a single rider.Lots of other interesting facts throughout the day, including the fact that Colossus was originally planned for Chessington but they couldn't get the planning permission.And the most exciting/devasting news of the day was finding out that Saw was originally planned to be a GCI woodie. To make it worse we got to see the plans, it looked fantastic. Station fly-by and fly-under, a tunnel shared with the flume and millennium flyers! It was shelved when Merlin took over. The man showing us around suggested that Tussauds were more about quality attractions and that when it switched to Merlin they had more of a "Let's get rides in quickly" attitude. Hence we got Saw. Boo.http://www.coasterfo...9847&start=3024tl;dr: Trim probs isnt being used, open station, doubling the effects in park, fire for Tidal is not till 2013, 1100-1200 pph, NO CHOICE OF RIGHT/LEFT RIDING, air like queuing (pissed), no single rider, front row queue.Credit for pics go to UKRides.info
  16. Right now, its kind of, meh. However, if it did become the soundtrack, I'd learn to like it.
  17. I went on it once, it was great, but jesus christ it was WET. When I say, wet. I mean it. Never EVER again would I go back on it.Although, I would rethink my opinions if it was a super hot day, or more importantly, if the effects came back. Never seen it with fully working effects, and would love to have a look.
  18. I've changed my opinion on the left side and decided to go with the right, that flip over the first drop is going to be amazing, as well as getting more of the interaction and near misses. <3
  19. I can just imagine how amazing that B&M track looks in the snow. <3(let's hope that the weather doesn't cause too much delay in construction...)
  20. Thorpe park updated their stats for THE SWARM, it shows that the helicopter is confirmed, but more importantly... DID THEY JUST SAY, FLAMING FIRETRUCK?!!?!
  21. That picture just put an idea in my head, with a family going towards the flying fish with their kids, and saying to them "Hey, you wonna go that ride?" and then the kids looked up to the swarm, thinking "OH HELL NO"
  22. What people havnt been taken to account though, is that it's probably themed (muddy, burnt) even more from the other side, where the riders/guests will be seeing it most of the time, which is very, very, good on our behalf!EDIT: OMFG THE FIRE IS CONFIRMED! TOO MUCH INFORMATION TO COPE WITH!!! *dies with happiness*
  23. Me, the last few months when I see The Swarm advertising:
  24. Great video, although I would have loved to see real POV footage, and maybe new advertising videos to be put into it. </3 Alwell, I guess it's only an online viral ad. Still looks great though.
  25. I'm face parming right now at the fact that, the front row has clothes shop dummies, while the rest of the rows have normal water test dummies. This is why I hate newspapers (more the journalists, acturally) ._.Still love the evil impression the trains give off, though.
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