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- Michael -

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Everything posted by - Michael -

  1. I read on towers times it was a trim brake activating when it should t have
  2. TT posted on Facebook that towers are to be featured on watchdog later tonight! Any publicity is good publicity, right?
  3. It was surprisingly quite good, although I only saw the first part. They had been on site since November following construction
  4. Towers just tweeted a behind the scenes look tonight on blue Peter, CBBC channel right now And if your interested, they will also be showing things to make with tin foil
  5. ^ thought something wasn't right! That clearance under the flasher
  6. For some reason the furthest the date of birth would go back to was 1993, which is stupid because anyone born before today could be 18 and born in 95. (I'm 1994)
  7. Daily star: 'Alton Towers unveils worlds largest rollercoaster!' Not quite
  8. Well, daybreak's report was very detailed...
  9. I might see if I can make a trip over there once my exams are finished, will it be busy in June before the summer holidays?
  10. How long until Jonathon Ross is on to tell us it goes 100mph and goes upside down 20 times?
  11. Where did you find that? And what are those things on the right? Edit: worked it out, it's krave!
  12. The girl does look very similar though. As a theory, Alton could have seen it and liked it, so they asked them to come up with a pre-story to it?
  13. Looking through the twitter account of trisha, it seems a bit if an odd marketing style, considering it started ages ago before anyone was even aware of it. Plus she does swear at one point, which I know doesn't seem like much, but it is a bit unusual for towers
  14. Yeah, it's looking pretty good, despite the fact that its using saw in the video! How are these support/not supporting issues usually fixed?
  15. Loving this style of marketing, although more people need to see it
  16. Rita front row in 2006, I was 11, he was about 30, it was a great moment!
  17. Plus it wouldn't be a worlds first, which is what it is advertised as
  18. Maybe they'll fill it right up and it'll be an underwater coaster
  19. This is going to look unbelievable when it's finished!
  20. Sometimes they have marketed it as world beating rollercoaster, which I would assume is the inversion record, but they also use the worlds first tag line, and the way it's presented in the game still makes me think it will have something else. But anyway, all speculation!
  21. I won't pass a judgement until I can see it complete A picture of the cars have gone up on Facebook, my favourite comments so far are 'does it go?' And 'can you stand up on this ride?' Edit: just noticed this reply to a comment from towers: 'Hi Richard - have you seen the track?! Not one for lapbars!' Seems like the OTSR choice was mainly because of the track layout, I guess most people consider lap bars 'unsafe'
  22. I havn't seen many pictures of the station, anyone know how that's coming along?
  23. Must have missed those ones! Still, to me it would be a bit of an anti-climax if the 'top secret' element to be revealed in the game is just the inversion record, because it's not really top secret!
  24. But what would explain the blocked out sections of pictures and the 'secret world's first element' in the game? It may just be the inversions, but I think it is most likely something else
  25. I would have a guess it probably depends on how old/tall you are!
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