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- Michael -

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Everything posted by - Michael -

  1. I think they will finish off the main theming before they put all the paths in. They will need the space at the moment for bringing in and moving all the heavy pieces of scenery such as the helicopter and all the over-turned lorries. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there wouldn't be much space for that if all the paths and queue lines had been put into place
  2. Although it's going to be very intense and an alround brilliant ride, it does appear a bit short in length. Although, as I've already said, it will still be a great ride!
  3. I've just noticed how close the final inversion is to the church! This is by far the best theming on any Merlin coaster!
  4. You've convinced me at last to sign up :PI spy a bridge and a fire engine! The station is looking great, but I really wish they would hurry up and finish the plane!It still doesn't look like a crashed plane as of yet. Oh well, I can't wait to fly underneath that wing!
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