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- Michael -

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Posts posted by - Michael -

  1. Looking through the twitter account of trisha, it seems a bit if an odd marketing style, considering it started ages ago before anyone was even aware of it. Plus she does swear at one point, which I know doesn't seem like much, but it is a bit unusual for towers

  2. Sometimes they have marketed it as world beating rollercoaster, which I would assume is the inversion record, but they also use the worlds first tag line, and the way it's presented in the game still makes me think it will have something else. But anyway, all speculation!

  3. I won't pass a judgement until I can see it complete

    A picture of the cars have gone up on Facebook, my favourite comments so far are 'does it go?' And 'can you stand up on this ride?'

    Edit: just noticed this reply to a comment from towers: 'Hi Richard - have you seen the track?! Not one for lapbars!'

    Seems like the OTSR choice was mainly because of the track layout, I guess most people consider lap bars 'unsafe'

  4. We've seen what was behind the blocked out pictures by other aerial photos. There was nothing there whatsoever (Well, a brake run).

    Must have missed those ones! Still, to me it would be a bit of an anti-climax if the 'top secret' element to be revealed in the game is just the inversion record, because it's not really top secret!

  5. If the world first is the inversion record, it has no reason to be breaking down all the time...

    Indeed, most Gerstlauer coasters are reliable, let's not tar them all with the same brush just because Saw is useless...

    But what would explain the blocked out sections of pictures and the 'secret world's first element' in the game? It may just be the inversions, but I think it is most likely something else

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