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Posts posted by TPJames

  1. But it would be so cool :P

    I would love to see one personally thorpe had to shut saw alive down and they can only bring mazes at fright nights.... Even a horror house like hocus pocus hall would do for me(but scarier!) pirates adventure wasn't meant to be scar but I was terrified and I got soaked in the last room! If it could just be like that but horror theme!

    One day thorpe...

  2. I'll try and find it for you mate ;) it was a couple of weeks back!

    My idea for 2013 would be to have an electronically controlled maze(like pirates adventure) instead of saw alive. This would mean they would not have to pay for actors and it would be a great and scary experience. Effects would include water etc. all programmed to the maze. You would be dispatched in groups of about 20 and go through room by room, simple as that really!

  3. Thorpe park posted on their facebook that they were still paying of debt for the swarm...

    I doubt they would have much money to buy a new ride/rollercoaster(until 2016...) however something like moving veagence would be as costly as giving x a refurb. This is because merlin already own veagence so they wouldn't need to pay another company to buy it. They would only need to pay to theme it and spruce it up. This is why I think veagence( swarm 5d maybe? Or amity 5d? Depending on location swarm island/amity cove-time voyagers) is a 'maybe option' the park. They have the money to do it is just a case of if they are going to do it!

    X refurb is ultimately down to what they want to do. I don't think they will remove x anytime soon however they are likely to refurb it, I think it should be amity themed because it is really in amity cove but they call it in the lost city. I think the pyramid should be taken down and made into a dome with a shark on top. The carriages would be changed into 'spinning ones' and the ride would be called 'amity spinner'

    All very unrealistic eh?

    The matter of fact is, there aren't many possibilities for thorpe next year... It could well be a new(secret) flat ride but this is extremely unlikely. I think we will be seeing an x refurb or veagence on top of the crash pad, new restaurant etc.

  4. Seem as though I'm a poor kid with no car living in the middle of nowhere and Uni in September... I'm hoping to get a singular Thorpe trip in. Anything else, anywhere, is a bonus.

    I would probably only be doing one trip to thorpe aswell but now I gotta MAP(annual pass).....

    However, I probably will be going down to Austria and maybe to the Wien Prater, it has some of the most unique rides I have ever seen!

  5. Air (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4)

    Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6)

    Nemesis (6)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6)

    Oblivion (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    The Gardens (2)

    Th13teen (3)

    Th13teen (-1)

    The gardens (+1)

    Your going down 13! How dare you try and eliminate the gardens :P

  6. I didn't know there was a ride n Madame Tussaud's?!

    Also I love the Waltzer seats in the carousel bar :P they are so cool and so low down aswell'

    P.s the irrengarten mirror maze is better than the Alpen hotel! Both are great but irrengarten is like Alpen hotel and then with a massive mirror maze at the end! We were stuck in there for ages :P there is also a bit where you have to climb through ropes and this moving escalator which makes you like fall off :P

  7. But that's why detty is so good, so unique it launches you down which gives you a completely different experience! Take power tower 2 for instance, it is double the height but it was no where as near as intense as detty was! Detty is such a unique ride.

  8. Oh yes I forgot about that :P it would make it a nightmare because everyone would be queueing for the back rows and even if you wanted to go forwards you would have to wait behind the people who wanted to go backwards!

    The announcement has to be something like an x refurb, thorpe aren't going to make a big fuss about CCR but its always a possibility. I can see a new 4/5D show or vengeance coming in the place of time voyagers though!

  9. I don't think it will be anything big, they had the swarm last year and they have the crash pas this year aswell. I would love a new flat ride going in the park but this is unlikely as we haven't seen plans for anything of the sort. However, there could be secret planning going on but this is very unlikely as thorpe have always released their plans!

    I guess CCR is a possibility to return but it wouldn't make sense re opening it after they had just closed it, the only reason I would see it reopening is if thorpe wanted to make it a family park but they have the slogan as 'the nations thrill capital' this makes it seem unlikely that CCR is returning, however the track and station is still there but it is just strange that they closed it in the first place.

    A new 4/5D attraction would be good, after closing time voyagers due to lack of demand they would have to bring a special show which would bring guests in. But even then, you're not going to go in more than once, that's the problem with these places, unless they have a series of shows and you get a random one when you go in.

    A new show? Well thorpe have their shows at sunscream don't they? They are stuff like BMX bike tours, breakdancing etc. this is not the type of show we are thinking of, we want something like Madagascar show at chessington, however this would be very unpopular to thrill seekers, I don't see that happening.

    A new maze could be coming for fright night this year, however a new maze is not just going to generally arrive. They closed saw alive down because the actors cost too much to pay so if they build another maze with actors they are going to have the same problem. The only option I can think of here is to build a maze which doesn't involve actors. Something like pirates adventure(fun house) which is done completely electronically.

    Now we come onto the more expensive stuff, X refurb and veagence.

    The x refurb would be nice but I think it is extremely unlikely as when you drive past thorpe, you can see the big pyramid. If it had a different theme, it would need a different housing building. Of course, storm surge blocks X anyway meaning that you can't see it properly :P every time I have been on X, I have queued in some tiny garden, they would need to change this because if X had a refurb, it would be advertised as new and would have massive queues meaning that indoor queueing would need to be used for once(they generally don't like you queueing indoors because its dark)

    The other option which was mentioned above is Veagence 5D, this is very unlikely to go to thorpe but I am considering it as a 'maybe' option for next year. It is not going to the new dungeons, so merlin are maybe moving it to thorpe? The best possibility for this is either putting it on swarm island and making it swarm themed or putting it in where time voyagers was and making it a good ride with a good theme(amity themed) seeing as it is in amity cove :P

    Likely possibilities for 'the big reveal':

    A new 4/5D

    X refurb

    Maybe possibilities:

    An electronically controlled maze.

    Veagence 5D

    CCR reopened

    Unlikely possibilities:

    A new flat ride

    A new show

    The unlikely possibilities could always happen and I'm not ruling them out. We will also get the general things like new resturants etc. but I don't think that's what the big reveal is about!

  10. The SWARM can barely seem to get two trains on the go facing forward, the last thing we'd need is more reason for reduced throughput...

    How would turning the trains backward reduce throughput? It wouldn't because it would have the same amount of rows.... The nightmare part would be they will try and sell front row fastrack when there is no front row!

    The crash pad cannot be the secret on the facebook page as it has already been announced to the public through the facebook page and the website. I think we have to think seriously what could happen as far as I could see this is what the secret may be:

    A refurb of x (however trains could be turned round etc.)

    Return of CCR

    New resturants

    Time voyagers is a possibility but they closed this due to lack of demand so it is unlikely to return, however I could see a new 5d show be placed there.... Maybe veagence 5d!

    P.s I thought vengeance is rubbish but I think if it was actually given to thorpe it could be made something really good!

  11. I would love to see a new flat but this is unlikely.

    The only options seem to be ATM x:/ refurb or swarm trains turned backwards(I don't want this to happen it would be a nightmare) but the ride would be cool!

    I would love x to have spinning carriages!

  12. Air (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4)

    Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6)

    Nemesis (5)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6)

    Oblivion (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    The Gardens (4)

    Th13teen (2)

    Gardens (+1)

    Th13teen (-1)

    I'm presuming I can go again as I was just putting the board to what it was

  13. You added one point onto thirteen, or maybe you posted while I was editing as I noticed I forgot to take the point off :P

    Here is what the board should look like:

    Air (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4)

    Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6)

    Nemesis (5)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6)

    Oblivion (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    The Gardens (2)

    Th13teen (4)

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