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Everything posted by InfernoMartin

  1. InfernoMartin


    Good Old Slammer attempting to fight another year Anyone wanna place bets if it gets back up and running if it'll die mid season like the last 2 years lol
  2. InfernoMartin


    Any new info about slammer is it staying or going would be good if during the closed season they take the whole thing apart and refurb everything so it could possibly last a season without closing for weeks/months
  3. Finally, One of the best rides in the park is getting a refurb the Log Flume anyone live near pleasure beach and willing to take any pictures to show the progress ? Also ocd here but it annoys me the logs arnt in number order it would be nice if it went 1-11 not 2,1,4,5,6,7,9,10,8,11 :s also dunno why log 3 is not on the water when I visited it was parked up on the queue bars near the back :s
  4. Apparently It was back open today according to someone who visited today on facebook dunno if its true though anymore thoughts on this ?
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